Representation of the People Act 1983


(1)Witnesses shall be summoned and sworn in the same manner as nearly as circumstances admit as in an action tried in the High Court, but this subsection does not apply to Scotland in relation to an election of councillors.

(2)On the trial a member of the election court may, by order signed by him, require any person who appears to him to have been concerned in the election to attend as a witness, and any person refusing to obey the order shall be guilty of contempt of court.

(3)The election court may examine any person so required to attend or who is in court although he is not called and examined by any party to the petition.

(4)A witness may, after his examination by the court, be cross-examined by or on behalf of the petitioner and respondent, or either of them.

(5)The Director of Public Prosecutions shall obey any direction given him by the election court with respect to the summoning and examination of any witness to give evidence at the trial.

(6)The Director of Public Prosecutions shall without any direction from the court cause any person appearing to him to be able to give material evidence as to the subject of the trial to attend the trial and shall, with the leave of the court, examine him as a witness.

(7)Subsections (5) and (6) above do not apply to Scotland, and in Scotland one of the deputes of the Lord Advocate or the procurator-fiscal of the district shall attend the trial of the petition as part of his official duty and shall give all necessary assistance to the court with respect to the citation of witnesses and the recovery of documents.