7E+WWithout prejudice to the generality of section 1(1) of this Act, building regulations may—
(a)for any of the purposes mentioned in section 1(1) of this Act, make provision with respect to any of the following matters—
(i)preparation of sites,
(ii)suitability, durability[, use and re-use] of materials and components (including surface finishes),
(iii)structural strength and stability, including—
(a)precautions against overloading, impact and explosion,
(b)measures to safeguard adjacent buildings and services,
(iv)fire precautions, including—
(a)structural measures to resist the outbreak and spread of fire and to mitigate its effects,
(b)services, fittings and equipment designed to mitigate the effects of fire or to facilitate fire-fighting,
(c)means of escape in case of fire and means for securing that such means of escape can be safely and effectively used at all material times,
(v)resistance to moisture and decay,
(vi)measures affecting the transmission of heat,
(vii)measures affecting the transmission of sound,
(viii)measures to prevent infestation,
(ix)measures affecting the emission of smoke, gases, [vapours,] fumes, grit or dust or other noxious or offensive substances,
(x)drainage (including waste disposal units),
(xi)cesspools and other means for the reception, treatment or disposal of foul matter,
(xii)storage, treatment and removal of waste,
(xiii)installations utilising solid fuel, oil, gas, electricity or any other fuel or power (including appliances, storage tanks, heat exchangers, ducts, fans and other equipment),
(xiv)water services (including wells and bore-holes for the supply of water) and fittings and fixed equipment associated therewith [(including equipment for monitoring and measuring supplies of water)],
(xv)telecommunications services (including telephones and radio and television wiring installations),
(xvi)lifts, escalators, hoists, conveyors and moving footways,
(xvii)plant providing air under pressure,
(xviii)standards of heating, artificial lighting, mechanical ventilation and air-conditioning and provision of power outlets,
(xix)open space about buildings and the natural lighting and ventilation of buildings,
(xx)accommodation for specific purposes in or in connection with buildings, and the dimensions of rooms and other spaces within buildings,
(xxi)means of access to and egress from buildings and parts of buildings
(xxii)prevention of danger and obstruction to persons in and about buildings (including passers-by),
[(xxiia)measures relating to the security of buildings,
(xxiib)measures affecting the use of fuel or power,
(xxiic)equipment for monitoring and measuring supplies of fuel, power or heat,
(xxiid)recycling facilities (including facilities for composting),]
[(xxiie)the production of heat or the generation of electricity by microgeneration (as defined for the purposes of this paragraph by building regulations),]
(xxiii)matters connected with or ancillary to any of the foregoing matters,
(b)require things to be provided or done in connection with buildings (as well as regulating the provision or doing of things in connection with buildings),
(c)prescribe the manner in which work is to be carried out.