Debtors (Scotland) Act 1987

46New diligences against earnings

(1)The following diligences against earnings of a debtor in the hands of his employer shall replace the diligence of arrestment and action of furthcoming against such earnings—

(a)a diligence, to be known as an "earnings arrestment", to enforce the payment of any ordinary debt which is due as at the date of execution of the diligence;

(b)a diligence, to be known as a "current maintenance arrestment", to enforce the payment of current maintenance;

(c)an order, to be known as a "conjoined arrestment order", to enforce the payment of two or more debts owed to different creditors against the same earnings.

(2)Any rule of law whereby there is exempted from arrestment of earnings of a debtor in the hands of his employer a reasonable amount for the subsistence of the debtor and his dependants shall cease to have effect.