146Duty of local authority to inspect district and to make reports and proposals as to overcrowding
(1)A local authority shall, subject to the provisions of this section, carry out an inspection of their district or any part of it for the purpose of identifying houses that are overcrowded.
(2)An inspection under subsection (1) shall be carried out at such times as—
(a)it appears to the local authority that there is occasion to do so, or
(b)the Secretary of State so directs.
(3)On carrying out such an inspection the local authority shall prepare and submit to the Secretary of State a report indicating—
(a)the result of the inspection, and
(b)the additional housing accommodation required to put an end to overcrowding in the area to which the report relates, and
(c)subject to subsection (5), proposals for its provision, and
(d)in relation to such proposals, a statement of the steps the local authority propose to take to secure that priority is given to rehousing families living under the worst conditions of overcrowding or otherwise living under unsatisfactory housing conditions.
(4)The report shall give such details as the Secretary of State may direct.
(5)The report shall not require to make proposals for the additional housing accommodation required, if the local authority satisfy the Secretary of State that it will be otherwise provided.
(6)Where the Secretary of State gives a direction under subsection (2), he may fix dates before which the performance of their duties under this section is to be completed.