Explanatory Notes

Scotland Act 1998

1998 CHAPTER 46

19th November 1998


SCHEDULE 8, Paragraph 1: Public Revenue (Scotland) Act 1833

Purpose and Effect

Provides for the Scottish Ministers rather than the Treasury to regulate the activities of the Queen’s and Lord Treasurer’s Remembrancer (Q&LTR) in Scotland and to issue direction to him in respect of the exercise of his powers.


The QLTR is responsible for the collection of certain hereditary revenues of the Crown which are excepted from the general reservation of the Crown.  The Crown is reserved under Schedule 5, Part I, paragraph 1(a).  The hereditary revenues in question are those from bona vacantia, ultimus haeres and treasure trove which are excepted under Schedule 5, Part I, paragraph 3(3)(a).

The 1833 Act provides for the regulation of and the power to issue directions to the Q&LTR in respect of the performance of these duties in Scotland.  The modification provides for these powers over the Q&LTR to be exercised by the Scottish Ministers.

Parliamentary Consideration


Details of Provisions

Substitutes the “Treasury” in both places where it appears in section 2 of the 1833 Act with the “Scottish Ministers”.