29E+W+SIf Transport for London engages, either directly or through a subsidiary, in any activities authorised by paragraph 11 or 15(2) or (3) above, it shall in carrying on those activities act as if it were a company engaged in a commercial enterprise or (as the case may be) shall exercise its control over that subsidiary so as to ensure that the subsidiary in carrying on those activities acts as a company so engaged.
30E+W+SAny specific power conferred on Transport for London by or by virtue of any provision of this Act to make any loan or give any guarantee or to subscribe for or acquire any securities shall not affect the power of Transport for London—
(a)to lend money by way of investment or to subscribe for or acquire securities by way of investment; or
(b)to leave outstanding any loan made or guarantee given, or to retain any securities acquired, by London Regional Transport or by any predecessor in title of London Regional Transport.