Amendments to the Education Act 1996
248.Paragraph 53repeals section 15 of the Education Act 1996 which imposed duties on LEAs in respect of further education (see ‘Local Education Authorities’ section of the Background set out at the beginning of these Notes). Duties in respect of all post-16 education and training are, as a result of the provisions of section 2 to 3 and 31 to 32 of this Act, to be exercised by the LSC and CETW. However, LEAs must have powers so that they may work with the LSC and CETW across the full range their duties in respect of post-16 education. Paragraph 54, therefore, gives LEAs the power to provide part-time provision for 16 to 18 year olds, including those outside their areas, in addition to their current powers to secure full-time provision for this age group and part- and full-time education for adults.
249.Paragraph 55 inserts a new section 15B into the Education Act 1996 which gives LEAs power to provide education and training to anyone from the age of 19 onwards in their areas and beyond. In exercising this power, LEAs must have regard to the needs of persons with learning difficulties.
250.Paragraph 57amends section 408 of the Education Act 1996. Section 408 enables regulations to be made to require maintained schools, the LEA, governing body or headteacher to provide information on a range of matters such as the curriculum used in the school. The amendment will ensure that information can be required about the arrangements for qualifications described in section 96 of this Act and approved for use by those under 19 and the courses leading to them.