Income Tax (Earnings and Pensions) Act 2003 Explanatory Notes

The Act

24.The Act has 725 sections and eight Schedules.

25.The sections are arranged as follows:

  • Part 1 (Overview) sets out what is covered in the Act and where to find abbreviations and definitions.

    Part 2 (Employment income: charge to tax) introduces the concept of “the employment income Parts” to cover Parts 2 to 7 and sets out the charging provisions for employment income.

    Part 3 (Employment income: earnings and benefits etc. treated as earnings) deals with the general earnings element of employment income, setting out what kinds of income and benefits should be brought into account.

    Part 4 (Employment income: exemptions) gives details of a number of exemptions from various kinds of income that would otherwise be chargeable to tax under the employment income Parts.

    Part 5 (Employment income: deductions allowed from earnings) sets out various deductions that may be allowed from earnings in computing taxable earnings.

    Part 6 (Employment income: income which is not earnings or share-related) covers payments to and benefits from non-approved pension schemes and payments and benefits on termination of employment etc.

    Part 7 (Employment income: share related income and exemptions) contains provisions about share-related remuneration and the various share option schemes and incentive plans.

    Part 8 (Former employees: deductions for liabilities) sets out that certain deductions may be made from a former employee’s total income.

    Part 9 (Pension income) contains the charging provisions for pension income, including any exemptions from those charging provisions.

    Part 10 (Social security income) contains the charging provisions for taxable social security benefits including any exemptions from those charging provisions.

    Part 11 (Pay As You Earn) sets out the framework for the operation of PAYE and provides for the making of PAYE regulations.

    Part 12 (Payroll giving) sets out the rules for the payroll deduction scheme for charitable donations.

    Part 13 (Supplementary provisions) contains provisions that have effect across the other Parts of the Act.

26.The Schedules are:

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