Civil Partnership Act 2004 Explanatory Notes

Commentary on Sections

Part 2 – Civil Partnership: England and Wales.Introduction

Chapter 2 – Dissolution, Nullity and Other Proceedings
Section 48: Proceedings before order made final: protection for respondent in separation cases

90.Subsection (1) provides that the court can rescind a dissolution order which has not been made final, where the application was on the basis of 2 years’ separation coupled with the other civil partner’s consent, if the applicant misled the respondent over any matter which was taken into account when giving that consent.

91.Subsections (2) to (5) allow the respondent to an application for a dissolution order alleging either 2 years’ or 5 years’ separation to apply to the court to consider his or her financial position after dissolution of the civil partnership. The court must consider all the relevant circumstances including the age, health, conduct, earning capacity, financial resources and obligations of each civil partner and the position of the respondent on the death of the applicant, assuming the applicant died first. Under subsection (4) the court must not make the dissolution order final unless it is satisfied either that the applicant should not be required to make financial provision for the respondent or that the provision made for the respondent is reasonable and fair, or is the best that can be made in the circumstances. Under subsection (5) the court may make the dissolution order final if the circumstances make it desirable to do so without delay, provided it has obtained an undertaking from the applicant to make such financial provision for the respondent as the court may approve.

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