

10Olympic Transport Plan

(1)The Olympic Delivery Authority shall prepare and keep under review a plan (“the Olympic Transport Plan”) for addressing transport matters relating to the London Olympics.

(2)The plan shall, in particular, make provision for—

(a)the construction of systems of or facilities for transport,

(b)the provision of transport—

(i)to and from London Olympic events, and

(ii)for other purposes connected with the London Olympics,

(c)the creation and maintenance of the Olympic Route Network,

(d)control of traffic during the London Olympics period,

(e)control of facilities for transport during the London Olympics period,

(f)road closures or restrictions during the London Olympics period,

(g)the monitoring of traffic and facilities for transport during the London Olympics period,

(h)contingency plans,

(i)co-operation between the Authority and other persons, and

(j)guidance from the Authority to local authorities in England in relation to implementation of the plan.

(3)Before preparing or revising the plan the Authority shall consult—

(a)the Secretary of State,

(b)the Mayor of London,

(c)the London Organising Committee,

(d)the Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis,

(e)the Commissioner of Police of the City of London,

(f)the Chief Constable of the British Transport Police Force,

(g)the Association of Chief Police Officers,

(h)the Office of Rail Regulation,

(i)Transport for London,

(j)a local highway authority, local traffic authority or street authority for a road in England which the Authority thinks is likely to be affected by the implementation of the plan, and

(k)such other persons as the Authority thinks appropriate.

(4)In preparing or revising the plan the Authority shall have regard to—

(a)the transport strategy prepared in accordance with section 142 of the Greater London Authority Act 1999 (c. 29) (Mayor’s duty to publish transport strategy),

(b)the spatial development strategy prepared in accordance with section 334 of that Act (Mayor’s duty to prepare spatial development strategy), and

(c)the London Development Agency strategy prepared in accordance with section 7A of the Regional Development Agencies Act 1998 (c. 45).

(5)The Authority shall publish the plan and any revision, except if or in so far as they think publication would be undesirable for reasons of security.