Childcare Act 2006 Explanatory Notes

Childcare Act 2006

2006 CHAPTER 21

Commentary on Sections and Schedules

Part 3 – Regulation of Provision of Childcare in England

Chapter 2: Regulation of Early Years Provision
Section 37: Entry on the register and certificates

91.Section 37 places an obligation on the Chief Inspector to place successful applicants in the early years register and to issue them with certificates of registration. This section makes a distinction between early years childminders and early years providers who are not childminders. This is because, when a childminder is registered, the registration is not linked to any particular premises. In the case of other early years providers, however, the registration is in respect of particular premises. This means that early years providers (other than childminders) may have separate entries in the register in respect of different premises (where they provide childcare at more than one location).

92.Section 37 also requires the certificate of registration to set out particular information, as prescribed through regulations. Provision is made for amendment of registration certificates. Subsection (5) requires the Chief Inspector to provide a copy of a lost or destroyed registration certificate when paid a fee as required by regulations.

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