Companies Act 2006 Explanatory Notes

Section 99: Notice to registrar of court application or order

211.This section replaces section 54(4) (7) and (10) of the 1985 Act. It makes it clear that, as now, where an application is made to the court under section 98 (that is, to cancel a resolution for re-registration as a private limited company), the company must immediately give notice to the registrar. Similarly, where the court has made an order in connection with such an application, the company must deliver a copy of that order to the registrar within 15 days of the order being made (or such longer time as the court may direct).

212.Subsection (1) of this section is a new provision which requires the dissenting members, on making an application to court seeking to cancel the resolution for re-registration from public to private, to give notice direct to the registrar. This ensures that the registrar is aware of any applications which have been made under section 98 and therefore will enable the registrar to process the application for re-registration without further delay where she is satisfied that no application to court may be made – see note on section 97.

213.Subsection (4) carries forward the offence in section 54(10) of the 1985 Act. Where the company fails to give notice to the registrar or fails to deliver a copy of the order made by the court under section 98 within the prescribed time limits (see subsections (2) and (3)), the company and every officer of the company who is in default commits an offence. The penalty for this offence is set out in subsection (5).

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