Armed Forces Act 2006 Explanatory Notes

Chapter 3 – Suspended Sentence of Service Detention
Section 190: Suspension of sentence of service detention

395.This section enables a court or CO, when passing a sentence of service detention, to suspend the sentence. In that case the sentence does not come into effect unless “activated” following the offender’s conviction of another offence committed during a period of three to twelve months (“the operational period”) specified when the sentence is passed. This is distinct from the rule that a sentence of detention passed by a CO (even if not suspended) does not take effect until the offender has had a chance to appeal: see sections 290 and 291.

Section 191: Activation by Court Martial of suspended sentence of service detention

396.Subsection (1) enables the Court Martial to activate a suspended sentence of service detention, including one passed at a summary hearing, if it convicts the offender of another offence committed during the operational period.

397.Subsection (2) further enables the Court Martial to activate a suspended sentence of service detention passed by, or on appeal from, that court if the offender commits another service offence or a civilian offence during the operational period and is convicted of that offence. In this case the Court Martial may issue a summons requiring him to appear before it, or a warrant for his arrest.

398.Where the Court Martial activates a suspended sentence, under subsection (3) it can order that the offender must serve the entire period of the original sentence or some shorter term. Under subsection (4) it can also make the sentence consecutive to another sentence of service detention passed on the same or a previous occasion, provided that this does not take the total period of the sentences above two years (see section 244).

399.Where the Court Martial activates a suspended sentence on the basis of a conviction by a CO or the SAC, and the punishment awarded by the CO or the SAC was a service supervision and punishment order or a minor punishment, under subsection (5) any outstanding part of that punishment is cancelled.

Section 192: Activation by Court Martial: appeals

400.Where the Court Martial makes an order under section 191activating a suspended sentence of service detention, this section enables the offender to appeal against the order. The CMAC can substitute an order activating the sentence for a shorter period, or can quash the Court Martial’s order altogether.

Section 193: Activation by CO of suspended sentence of service detention

401.This section enables a CO to activate a suspended sentence of service detention passed at a summary hearing or by the SAC (but not by the Court Martial), where he finds the offender to have committed a further service offence during the operational period or the offender has been convicted of a civilian offence committed during that period.

402.Where a CO activates a suspended sentence, under subsection (3) he can order that the offender must serve the entire period of the original sentence or some shorter term. Under subsection (4) he can also make the sentence consecutive to another sentence of service detention passed on the same or a previous occasion. But these powers are subject to the restrictions in sections 194 and 244, and subsection (5) provides that any provision in an order included by virtue of subsection (4) has effect subject to section 292.

Section 194: Activation by CO: maximum term

403.This section prevents a CO from activating a suspended sentence of service detention for more than 28 days, or making it consecutive to another sentence so that the total term exceeds 28 days, unless he has been granted extended powers by higher authority or is of senior rank. He cannot in any event make the activated sentence consecutive to another sentence passed by him so that the total term exceeds 90 days.

Section 195: Suspended sentences: powers of SAC

404.This section applies where a CO has activated a suspended sentence of service detention under section 193. Its effect is that the offender can appeal against the order activating the sentence, and the order can be reviewed under section 152, as if the order were a punishment awarded for the original offence.

405.Where the CO activated the suspended sentence upon finding the offender guilty of another offence, under subsection (2) an appeal against that finding or the punishment awarded for that offence counts as an appeal against the activation order, and an appeal against the order counts as an appeal against the punishment. Under subsection (4) the SAC can quash the activation order or substitute an order activating the sentence for some other period, whether shorter or longer than that for which the CO activated the sentence; but the orders made and punishments awarded by the SAC, in combination, must be no more severe than those made or awarded by the CO.

406.If a CO finds an offence proved and has power to activate a suspended sentence but does not do so, and the offender appeals, subsection (5) enables the SAC to activate the suspended sentence—but only if the activation order, in combination with the punishments awarded by the SAC, is no more severe than the punishments awarded by the CO.

407.If a CO activates a suspended sentence on the basis that the offender has been convicted of a civilian offence, and the offender appeals, subsection (8) enables the SAC to quash the order or to substitute another order under section 193 which is no more severe. Subsection (9) provides that when substituting such an order, the SAC must take account of any period of the suspended sentence already served by the offender.

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