Part 3: Territorial, Regional and Other Committees
186.Paragraph 11 sets out the arrangements for territorial committees, which the Council is required to establish by section 1(2) for Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. Each committee comprises executive and non-executive members appointed by the Secretary of State, with a majority of non-executive members. The Chairman of each committee must be a non-executive member. Before appointing a non-executive member (including a chairman), the Secretary of State must consult the Council chairman, and Scottish and Welsh Ministers as appropriate. The Council must have regard to the desirability of appointing one or more members with experience of work among, and the special needs of, disabled persons.
187.Paragraph 12 enables the Council, with the approval of the Secretary of State, to establish or abolish regional committees to provide advice and information to the Council about consumer matters affecting the relevant region, and for other purposes determined by the Council.
188.Paragraph 13 specifies that the Council is able to appoint a chairman and members to a regional committee. The chairman and the majority of members must be non-executive. The Council must have regard to the desirability of appointing one or more members with experience of work among, and the special needs of, disabled persons.
189.Paragraph 14 enables the Council to establish other committees.
190.Paragraph 18 limits the term of a non-executive appointment to a territorial or regional committee to a fixed period not exceeding five years, and permits re-appointment for one further period of up to five years.
191.Paragraph 19 makes provision in respect of the circumstances in which the chairmen, or any other member, of a territorial or regional committee shall cease to be a member of the committee. The Secretary of State is empowered to terminate the appointment of a chairman or other member of a territorial committee who is unable, unfit, or unwilling to fulfil the functions of his or her appointment.
192.Paragraph 20 enables the Council to pay compensation to members of territorial committees when they leave office early.