Section 28: Breach of terms of arrangements: notices and penalties
304.Section 28 inserts in Part 7 of the NHS Act a new Chapter 5A, consisting of new section 150A, that concerns the issuing by PCTs of notices to contractors and the withholding of payments to contractors by PCTs.
305.New section 150A enables regulations to provide that where a contractor breaches a term of arrangements for providing NHS pharmaceutical services (for example, of a term of service, such as agreed quality standards or of performance in the provision of services) then PCTs will have the power to issue remedial notices, requiring corrective action to be taken or requiring the contractor to refrain from continuing with actions which have led to the breach, within a specified period. The regulations may also enable PCTs to withhold all or part of any payments due to the contractor for a prescribed period in view of such a breach. Powers to withhold payments could be used on their own or in conjunction with the issue of remedial notices.
306.Section 150A(2) requires that any regulations under this section must include prescribed rights of appeal for the contractor against decisions made by the PCT under this section.
307.Section 150A(3) provides definitions for this section.