Section 34O: Disclosure of information by Local Commissioner to Information Commissioner and Section 34P: Disclosure of information by Local Commissioner to Care Quality Commission
348.Sections 34O and 34P allow a Local Commissioner to disclose to the Information Commissioner, or the Care Quality Commission, information that a Local Commissioner receives as result of an investigation that may be relevant to the carrying out of the functions of those organisations. The disclosure of information to the Care Quality Commission enables a direct link to be made between a Local Commissioner’s investigation and the regulation of the provider whose services have been the subject of that investigation. Under section 20 of the 2008 Act, the Secretary of State may impose requirements on regulated activities (as carried out by service providers) through regulations. The Care Quality Commission will determine whether the regulatory requirements have been complied with, and information from a Local Commissioner would be an indicator of potential non-compliance on which the Care Quality Commission would be able to act.