Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 Explanatory Notes

Section 234: Repeal of spent or obsolete enactments

618.This section repeals six redundant Acts of Parliament relating to sea fisheries and part of one further such Act. All of this legislation is approximately 100 years or more old. These Acts are repealed as part of a wider Government commitment to reduce regulatory burdens on the private, public and voluntary sectors through the Davidson Review(11). The Davidson Review identified a series of fisheries Acts to consider for repeal. At the present time the Government has been able to identify six Acts and part of a seventh as suitable for immediate repeal. This section also repeals sections 86, 87 and 163 of the Port of London Act 1968.


Further information on the Davidson Review: Implementation of EU legislation can be found on or ISBN-10: 0-11-840484-9 and ISBN-13: 978-0-11-840484-6.

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