
Part 8Enforcement

Chapter 2Common enforcement powers

Entry, search and seizure

246Power to board and inspect vessels and marine installations

(1)For the purposes of carrying out any relevant functions, an enforcement officer may at any time board and inspect a vessel or marine installation.

This is subject to section 249 (which provides that a warrant is necessary to enter a dwelling).

(2)For the purposes of exercising the power conferred by subsection (1), the officer may require a vessel or marine installation—

(a)to stop, or

(b)to do anything else that will facilitate the boarding of that or any other vessel or marine installation.

(3)An enforcement officer who has boarded a vessel or marine installation may, for the purposes of disembarking from the vessel or installation, require that or any other vessel or marine installation—

(a)to stop, or

(b)to do anything else that will enable the officer, and any person accompanying the officer, to disembark from the vessel or installation.

(4)An enforcement officer may require any person on board a vessel or marine installation to afford such facilities and assistance with respect to matters under that person’s control as the officer considers would facilitate the exercise of any power conferred by this section.