Corporation Tax Act 2009 Explanatory Notes

Section 77: Payments in respect of employment wholly in employer’s trade

304.This section sets out the main rule governing redundancy payments made by an employer. It is based on section 579 of ICTA. The corresponding rule for income tax is in section 77 of ITTOIA.

305.If a payment is otherwise allowable (possibly as a result of the Cosmotron decision – see the overview for this group of sections), this section does not interfere with the accountancy treatment of the payment. In that case, the normal accounting basis applies.

306.The deduction allowed by section 579 of ICTA is for “a redundancy payment ... made”. It is clear that a deduction is allowed only if a payment has been made. It follows that the deduction is to be taken in the accounting period in which the payment is made and that no deduction is allowed in any other period.

307.Section 579(2)(b) of ICTA sets out the rule that applies if a redundancy payment is made after the discontinuance of the employer’s trade. The rule applies if the company ceases to carry on a trade or to be within the charge to corporation tax (see section 41 of this Act).

308.In the case of a trade carried on by a company in partnership, section 114(1)(c) of ICTA deals with a change of membership of a partnership. The profits of the trade are calculated as if there is a transfer of the trade from one deemed company to another, unless a particular company carries on the trade before and after the change. Such a transfer means that the first deemed company ceases to carry on the trade. This brings it within the rule in section 579(2)(b) of ICTA.

309.Subsection (5) of the section sets out the partnership rule.

310.Subsection (6) has a timing rule expressed in words similar to those used in sections 69 and 88 of this Act. This ensures that the timing rules for deductions in Chapter 5 of Part 3 of this Act which depend on payment are explicit and consistent. This special timing rule applies if the payment is allowable only as a result of this section.

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