Appropriation (No. 3) Act 2010

Part 3 U.K.Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills, 2010—11

Table of—

(a)the further resources authorised for use to meet the costs of the services and purposes which are specified in the first column of the Table for the year ending with 31 March 2011;

(b)the further sums authorised for issue out of the Consolidated Fund to meet those costs; and

(c)limits set, for the purposes of section 2 of the Government Resources and Accounts Act 2000, on the resources applicable as appropriations in aid to meet those costs.

Estimate/ Request for ResourcesNet Resources authorised for useGrants out of the Consolidated FundOperating Appropriations in AidNon-Operating Appropriations in Aid
1. Serving the interests of children and young people, parents, adult learners, employers and the wider community in England by promoting improvement in the quality of education, skills and young people's care through independent inspection, regulation and reporting105,837,00014,500,000
The registration and inspection of childcare and arrangements for the care and support of children and young people, the inspection of all maintained and some independent schools, further education, all publicly-funded adult education and training and some privately-funded training provision, teacher training and the Children and Family Court Advisory Support Service, as well as the comprehensive area assessment of local children's services provision and associated non-cash items.
TOTAL, 2010—11105,837,000101,257,00014,500,0000