Corporation Tax Act 2010 Explanatory Notes

Part 2: Other enactments

Inheritance Tax Act 1984

Section 23: Gifts to charities

3394.This amendment extends the relief given by section 23 (gifts to charity) to gifts to a registered club. See the commentary on Chapter 9 of Part 13. It is based on paragraph 9(2) of Schedule 18 to FA 2002.

Finance Act 1989

Section 102: Surrender of company tax refund etc within group

3395.Section 102(3)(c) of FA 1989 refers to the payment of the tax credit comprised in franked investment income. This reference is obsolete, and section 102(3)(c) of FA 1989 is repealed without replacement.

Schedule 12: Close companies: consequential provisions

3396.The provisions mentioned in paragraph 1(a) of Schedule 12 to FA 1989 are rewritten in the Act. Paragraph 1(a) of that Schedule is rewritten with paragraphs 3 and 4 of that Schedule in sections 31, 465 and 1102 (companies with small profits, close companies and company distributions: powers to obtain information). Paragraph 1(c) and (d) of that Schedule are rewritten with paragraphs 3 and 4 of that Schedule in sections 401B and 421A of ITTOIA, which are inserted by this Schedule. Paragraph 1(b) of Schedule 12 to FA 1989 is spent and is not rewritten. Paragraph 1 of Schedule 12 to FA 1989 is therefore repealed.

Taxation of Chargeable Gains Act 1992

Section 190: Tax recoverable from another group company or controlling director

3397.The definition of “director” in section 190(13) of TCGA refers to section 168(8) of ICTA, which has been rewritten and repealed. Accordingly, the amendment to that subsection refers not only to section 452, which is based on section 417(5) of ICTA, but also to section 67(1) and (2) of ITEPA, which are based on section 168(8) of ICTA.

Section 217D: Industrial and provident societies and co-operatives

3398.Section 217D of TCGA rewrites and relocates the provisions in section 486(8), (9) and (12) of ICTA which are about corporation tax on chargeable gains.

Sections 256, 256A, 256B, 256C, 256D: Charities and gifts of non-business assets etc

3399.The separation between income tax and corporation tax also results in a separation of the legislation giving relief from tax for charities. Bodies constituted as charitable trusts are within the charge to income tax and capital gains tax while those constituted as companies or other forms of body corporate are within the charge to corporation tax.

3400.ITA amended section 256 of TCGA and inserted sections 256A and 256B to make specific provision for charitable trusts. This Act completes the process by making specific provision for charitable companies by amendment to section 256 and by the insertion of sections 256C and 256D. See the commentary on section 493.

Section 257: Gifts to charities etc

3401.This amendment extends the relief given by section 257 of TCGA to gifts to a registered club. See commentary on Chapter 9 of Part 13. It is based on paragraph 9(3) of Schedule 18 to FA 2002.

Charities Act 1993

Section 10: Disclosure of information to Commission

3402.Section 10(2) of the Charities Act 1993 allows institutions, undertakings or bodies listed in paragraphs (a) to (e) to disclose Revenue and Customs information to the Charity Commission.

3403.The exclusions in new subsection (2A) of section 10 of the Charities Act 1993 are necessary because Part 11 also rewrites claims under sections 507 and 508 of ICTA which, although exempting income under section 505(1) of ICTA, are not claims for exemption made under that section. See Change 36 in Annex 1.

Section 25A: Meaning of “Scottish recognised body” and “Northern Ireland charity”

3404.For these amendments see Changes 32, 35, 36and37 in Annex 1.

Finance Act 2000

Schedule 15: The corporate venturing scheme

3405.Schedule 15 applies only in relation to shares issued on or after 1 April 2000 but before 1 April 2010 (see section 63(4) of FA 2000). For that reason, Schedule 15 is not being rewritten.

Paragraph 21A

3406.In paragraph 21A of Schedule 15 to FA 2000, this Schedule omits the reference to the second limb of section 776(13)(a) of ICTA, for the reason given in the commentary on this Schedule in relation to that provision.

3407.For the definition of “property deriving its value from land” in paragraph 21A of Schedule 15 to FA 2000, this Schedule substitutes a suitable reference to section 833 of this Act, which, like that paragraph, is a corporation tax provision.

Paragraph 46(2)

3408.Part 6 of Schedule 15 provides for the withdrawal or reduction of investment relief on the disposal of “relevant shares” (as defined in paragraph 2). For the purposes of that Part, paragraph 46(2) lists four types of disposal including:

(a)by way of a bargain made at arm’s length for full consideration.

3409.One of the requirements for relief to be available under Part 7 of Schedule 15 on the disposal of shares to which investment relief is attributable is set out in paragraph 67(3):

(3)The second requirement is that the disposal on which the loss is incurred must be a disposal of the kind described in paragraph (a), (b), (c) or (d) of paragraph 46(2).

3410.Change 11 in Annex 1 omits the words “for full consideration” from section 244(4)(a) rewritingparagraph 29(4)(a) of Schedule 16 to FA 2002. Section 68(2)(a) also omits those words when rewriting section 575(1)(a) of ICTA for the purposes of share loss relief in this Act.

3411.Paragraph 46(2)(a) of Schedule 15 to FA 2000 is the only other place in the Tax Acts where those words qualify the words “bargain made at arm’s length”. Change 11, therefore, also omits them from paragraph 46(2)(a) for the purposes of both Part 6 and Part 7 of Schedule 15.

Capital Allowances Act 2001

Section 63: Cases in which disposal value is nil

3412.This amendment provides that section 63(2) of CAA, which provides that the disposal value of plant and machinery disposed of by way of gift to a charity or certain other bodies is nil, also applies to a gift to a registered club. See the commentary on Chapter 9 of Part 13. It is based on paragraph 9(3) of Schedule 18 to FA 2002.

Section 99: The monetary limit

3413.The monetary limit for the purpose of expenditure by a company on long-life assets depends on the number of associated companies the company has. The changes in the rules for companies with small profits apply also to this rule. See Change 3in Annex 1.

Section 253: Companies with investment business

3414.The amendment to section 253(7) of CAA amends an error in the source legislation: the reference to section 768C(11) of ICTA should be to section 768C(5) of that Act. These provisions are rewritten in sections 682(13) and 699(3) of the Act.Since the provision being amended is merely a subjection, this correction does not change the law.

Schedule A1: First-year tax credits

3415.`For the amendments to Schedule A1 see Changes 32, 35, 36and37 in Annex 1.

Finance Act 2002

Schedules 34 and 35: Stamp duty: withdrawal of group relief and withdrawal of relief for company acquisitions: supplementary provisions

3416.The definitions of “director” in paragraph 8(4) of Schedule 34 to FA 2002 and paragraph 9(4) of Schedule 35 to that Act both refer to section 168(8) of ICTA, which has been rewritten and repealed. Accordingly, the amendments to those sub-paragraphs refer not only to section 452, which is based on section 417(5) of ICTA, but also to section 67(1) and (2) of ITEPA, which are based on section 168(8) of ICTA.

Income Tax (Earnings and Pensions) Act 2003

Section 68: Meaning of “material interest” in a company

3417.This provision amends section 68(2) and (3) of ITEPA for the sake of consistency with section 457. See the commentary on that section. This amendment is a drafting clarification, and does not change the law.

Schedule 2: Approved share incentive plans

3418.This Schedule amends paragraph 80 of Schedule 2 to ITEPA in line with the rewrite of section 234A of ICTA in the Act. See Change 58 in Annex 1.

Schedule 5: Enterprise management incentives

3419.In paragraph 11A of Schedule 5 to ITEPA, this Schedule omits the reference to the second limb of section 776(13)(a) of ICTA, forthe reasons given in the commentary on this Schedule in relation to that provision, and substitutes a suitable reference to section 188(3) of ITA. Paragraph 11A of Schedule 5 to ITEPA and section 188 of ITA are very similar provisions.

Companies (Audit, Investigations and Community Enterprise) Act 2004

Section 54: Becoming a charity or a Scottish charity: requirements

3420.This amendment replaces a reference to section 505(1) of ICTA with a reference to the sections of this Act which rewrite that section. See Changes 32, 35, 36 and 37 in Annex 1.

Income Tax (Trading and Other Income) Act 2005

Section 148D: Lessor under long funding operating lease: periodic deduction

3421.This amendment substitutes for section 148D new sections 148D to 148DB in the same terms as sections 363 to 365 of this Act. Those sections of this Act are based on section 502E of ICTA which corresponds, for corporation tax purposes, to section 148D of ITTOIA.

Section 148E: long funding operating lease: lessor’s additional expenditure

3422.This amendment substitutes for section 148E new sections 148E to 148EB in the same terms as sections 366 to 368 of this Act. Those sections of this Act are based on section 502F of ICTA which corresponds, for corporation tax purposes, to section 148E of ITTOIA.

Section 148F: Lessor under long funding operating lease: termination of lease

3423.This amendment substitutes a revised section 148F in the same terms as section 369 of this Act. That section of this Act is based on section 502G of ICTA which corresponds, for corporation tax purposes, to section 148F of ITTOIA.

Chapter 3 of Part 4: Dividends etc. from UK resident companies and tax credits etc. in respect of certain distributions

3424.These provisions insert a number of sections and make other amendments in this Chapter (and inserts paragraph 78A in Schedule 2) to achieve the separation of the income tax effect of sections 249 and 252 of ICTA and related provisions from the equivalent corporation tax effect rewritten in this Act.

Section 415: Charge to tax under Chapter 6

3425.This provision replaces the reference to section 419 of ICTA with a reference to section 455 for the sake of consistency with section 460.

Finance Act 2005

Section 84: Taxation of securitisation companies

3426.Subsection (7) is not rewritten. That subsection set out conditions relating to the first regulations to be made under the section. The first regulations have been made (SI 2006/3296) and the subsection no longer has any application.

Income Tax Act 2007

Section 151: Losses on disposal of shares: interpretation of Chapter

3427.This amendment provides a stand alone definition of “investment company” in place of the definition by cross–reference to and modification of the definition in section 130 of ICTA. References to savings banks and banks for savings are omitted. The amended definition is the same as that in section 90(1) of this Act. See Change 21in Annex 1.

Sections 346, 348(7), 356, 361, 363, 365, 368, 369 and 373: Community investment tax relief

3428.These provisions amend sections 346, 348(7), 356, 361, 363, 365, 368, 369 and 373 of ITA to conform those provisions to the corresponding provisions of this Act (see the commentary on sections 227, 229, 238, 244, 246, 248, 251, 252 and 260).

Sections 340 and 341: Application and criteria for accreditation and terms and conditions of accreditation

3429.Section 219(1)(a) of this Act provides that accreditation under the powers in Chapter 2 of Part 7 of ITA has effect for the purposes of Part 7 of this Act. The new subsections introduced by these amendments complete the picture by clarifying in ITA that the powers in Chapter 2 of Part 7 of that Act can be exercised for corporation tax purposes as well as income tax purposes. They make explicit something that is already implicit.

Section 355: Securities or shares: no claim after disposal or excessive receipts of value

3430.This minor textual amendment corrects a typographical error in the description of section 364(1) of that Act.

Section 364: Value received by investor during 6 year period: securities or shares

3431.This minor textual amendment removes words from section 364(1)(d) of ITA which are unnecessary and have, accordingly, not been included in the corresponding section 247(1)(d) of this Act.

Chapter 6 of Part 13: Avoidance involving leases of plant and machinery

3432.These amendments amend sections 809ZA and 809ZC and replace section 809ZB with new sections 809ZE and 809ZF. The effect of these amendments is to conform the structure of Chapter 6 of Part 13 of ITA with that of Chapter 2 of Part 20 of this Act. That Chapter of this Act is based on sections 785B to 785E of ICTA which correspond for corporation tax purposes to sections 809ZA to 809ZD of ITA.

Section 991: Meaning of “bank”

3433.This provision amends the definition of “bank” to bring the income tax and corporation tax rewrite of the source legislation into line. See Change 65 in Annex 1.

Section 999: Meaning of “local authority”

3434.This provision amends the definition of “local authority”, in relation to Northern Ireland, to bring the income tax and corporation tax rewrite of the source legislation into line. See Change 60 in Annex 1.

Section 1000: Meaning of “local authority association”

3435.This provision amends the definition of “local authority association” to bring the income tax and corporation tax rewrite of the source legislation into line.

Schedule 2 Part 6: Transitionals and savings: losses on disposal of shares

3436.New paragraph 57A inserted in Schedule 2 to ITA clarifies the application of the transitional provisions in Part 6 of that Schedule (losses on disposal of shares) in cases where bonus shares have been issued. It ensures that the provisions in the form that they apply to the original shares also apply in the same form to the corresponding bonus shares whenever issued. Part 5 of Schedule 2 to this Act (losses on disposals of shares) contains a paragraph in the same terms. See Change 20 in Annex 1.

Finance Act 2008

Schedule 19: Reduction of basic rate of income tax: transitional relief for gift aid charities

3437.This Schedule to FA 2008 provides additional relief for gift aid donations. Paragraph 1(3)(a) of Schedule 19 refers to section 505(1)(c)(ii) of ICTA as the section under which a charitable company claims exemption for the donation. Before amendment by CTA 2009 section 505(1)(c)(ii) referred to tax under Case III of Schedule D. CTA 2009 amended section 505(1)(c)(ii) to refer to those parts of CTA 2009 which replaced Schedule D Case III. Paragraph 1(3)(a) of Schedule 19 was not amended, however, leaving that statutory reference to refer only to non-trading profits on loan relationships (section 299 of CTA 2009). The reference in Schedule 19 should instead have referred to section 505(1)(c)(iizb), exemption from tax under Part 7 of CTA (annual payments), since gift aid payments are treated as annual payments under section 25 of FA 2002. This amendment substitutes for the implied reference to section 505(1)(c)(iizb) a reference to a claim for exemption by virtue of section 472 or 475 of this Act.

3438.It is not considered that this changes the law since the current reference to section 505(1)(c)(ii) does not make proper sense and Parliament cannot have intended to change the effect of Schedule 19. Accordingly paragraph 1(3)(a) must be interpreted to refer to section 505(1)(c)(iizb).

Charities Act (Northern Ireland) 2008

Section 45: Meaning of “Scottish recognised body” and “England and Wales charity” in sections 43 and 44

3439.For these amendments see Changes 32, 35, 36and 37 in Annex 1.

Company Tax Act 2009

Section 221A: Sums to which sections 217 to 221 do not apply

3440.Section 774G(7) of ICTA provides, to summarise, that if section 774A or 774C of that Act applies then sections 277 to 281 of ITTOIA and sections 217 to 221 of CTA 2009 (lease premiums) do not. In consequence of the rewrite of sections 774A to 774G of ICTA for corporation tax purposes in this Act, section 774G(7) of ICTA is rewritten for corporation tax purposes as new section 221A of CTA 2009.

Section 520: Provision not at arm’s length: non-deductibility of relevant return

3441.The reference to any deduction against total profits in subsection (2)(b) is amended to refer to any deduction from total profits. This is for consistency with the terminology used in the Act to describe the way in which effect is given to reliefs which operate against total profits. See Step 2 of section 4(2).

Section 1219: Expenses of management of a company’s investment business

3442.See the commentary on section 4 for an explanation of this amendment.

Schedule 2: Transitionals and savings etc

Part 1: General provisions

3443.These paragraphs ensure continuity of the law, despite the fact that this Act repeals and rewrites provisions.

3444.Paragraph 2 makes clear that the proposition about the continuity of the law in paragraph 1 does not apply to changes in the law made by this Act.

3445.The paragraphs in this Part stand instead of section 17(2) of the Interpretation Act 1978 and provide a comprehensive set of transitional arrangements.

Part 3: Currency

3446.A number of changes were made to the currency provisions in Schedule 18 to FA 2009. They took effect for accounting periods beginning on or after 29 December 2007. This Part of the Schedule ensures that the old rules continue to apply where a loss is carried back to an accounting period that commenced before 29 December 2007.

3447.The Schedule also enables a company to elect that the new rules only take effect for accounting periods beginning on or after the date of Royal Assent to FA 2009.

Part 5: Losses on disposal of shares
Disposals of new shares

3448.See the commentary on section 74 and Change 19 in Annex 1.

Relief after an exchange of shares for shares in another company

3449.See the commentary on section 87 and Change 19 in Annex 1.

Interpretation of Chapter

3450.This paragraph preserves the application of the definition of “investment company” in the source legislation in relation to shares issued before 1 April 2010. See Change 21 in Annex 1.

Application in relation to corresponding bonus shares

3451.This paragraph clarifies the application of the transitional provisions in this Part in cases where bonus shares have been issued. It ensures that the provisions in the form that they apply to the original shares also apply in the same form to the corresponding bonus shares whenever issued. See Change 20 in Annex 1.

Part 11: Close companies

3452.The saving for certain exceptions to the charge under section 455 (close companies: charge to tax in case of loan to participator) is based on section 420(2) of ICTA. It includes a minor change to bring the law into line with practice. See the commentary on section 456 and Change 30 in Annex 1.

Part 12: Charitable companies etc
Transactions in deposits

3453.The exemption under section 56(3)(c) of ICTA in relation to transactions in deposits is preserved to take account of any relevant matters still in existence that pre-date the loan relationships legislation of FA 1996. See the commentary to section 486.

Exemption for investment income and exemption for certain miscellaneous income

3454.These provisions reflect changes made FA 2009 to the taxation of distributions. Dividends of non-United Kingdom resident companies paid before 1 July 2009 were chargeable to tax but not dividends of United Kingdom resident companies.

Transactions with substantial donors and non-charitable expenditure

3455.The treatment of non-charitable expenditure was amended and the rules in relation to substantial donors were introduced in FA 2006. This Part of the Schedule preserves the previous treatment where relevant (see in particular the commentary on sections 496 and 516).

3456.Section 508, which rewrites section 506B(9) of ICTA, incorporates a prospective amendment to that subsection made by paragraph 15 of Schedule 9 to the Housing and Regeneration Act 2008. Under this saving provision section 508 reflects unamended section 506B(9) until the Order bringing in the amendment has been made and paragraph 15 comes into force.

Part 14: Co-operative housing associations and self-build societies
Concurrent exercise of functions

3457.Sections 644 and 653 provide a clear separation of powers between the Secretary of State and the Welsh Ministers for bodies in England and Wales. However, where the body is a “cross-border body”, that is a body which operates both in England and Wales, these provisions preserve the concurrent exercise of functions by the Secretary of State and the Welsh Ministers. See article2(c) of SI 1999/672 in relation to concurrent exercise, and paragraph 3(2) of Schedule 3 to the Government of Wales Act 1998 for the definition of “cross-border body”.

Delegation of functions to the Regulator of Social Housing

3458.This provision concerns the delegation of functions to the Regulator of Social Housing. Paragraphs 13 and 14 of Schedule 9 to the Housing and Regeneration Act 2008 amend sections 488(7A) and 489(5A) of ICTA respectively from a day to be appointed. Until that day is appointed, the provision in this Schedule preserves the existing arrangements. See also, in Schedule 1 to this Act, the amendments of the Transfer of Housing Corporation Functions (Modification and Transitional Provisions) Order 2008 (SI 2008/2839), which enable this provision to operate as if the substituted references to the Housing Corporation were references to the Regulator of Social Housing, in accordance with that Order.

Part 15: Transactions in securities
Transactions in securities: general

3459.This paragraph makes transitional provision for transactions in securities. It concerns corporation tax cases straddling 1 April 2010.

3460.Sub-paragraph (1) lays down the general rule that Part 15 supersedes Chapter 1 of Part 17 of ICTA. Most of the differences between that Chapter and Part 15 of this Act are verbal and not substantive. See the commentary on that Part. The only change in the law made in that Part is the replacement of references to “the Board” with references to officers of Revenue and Customs. See Change5 in Annex 1 and the commentary on section 740.

3461.Sub-paragraph (2) ensures that the six-year time limit for making assessments is not disturbed.

3462.Sub-paragraph (3) requires preliminary notifications commencing counteraction to be given under section 743 of this Act (and not under section 703(9) of ICTA) after 31 March 2010. Once HMRC have started counteraction under the new law, everything falls to be done under the new law.

3463.Sub-paragraph (4) provides that, if preliminary notification has been given under section 703(9) of ICTA before 1 April 2010, the old law (including, for example, the appeal provisions) continues to apply after 31 March 2010.

3464.Paragraph 129 of Schedule 2 to ITA also makes transitional provision for transactions in securities. It concerns income tax cases straddling 6 April 2007. The drafting of that paragraph was criticised by the First-Tier Tribunal in Grogan v Commissioners for HMRC.(8) HMRC do not agree with the First Tier-Tribunal’s view of that paragraph. But, in this paragraph, the opportunity has been taken to forestall future disputes over the validity of counteraction notices by making different transitional provision for corporation tax cases.

Part 16: Factoring of income etc
Application of section 771 (finance arrangements: exceptions)

3465.Section 771 is based on section 774E of ICTA.

3466.Sub-paragraph (1) of this paragraph is a saving for the second sentence of section 774E(1) of ICTA, which was repealed by paragraph 9(3)(b) of Schedule 25 to FA 2009. This saving applies in relation to transfers before 22 April 2009 in accounting periods which begin before that date and end on or after 1 April 2010.

3467.Section 774E(4)(b) of ICTA originally read as follows:

(4)Section 774B or 774D does not apply so far as the structured finance arrangement is an arrangement in relation to which –

(b)paragraph 15 of Schedule 9 to the Finance Act 1996 (repo transactions and stock-lending) applies, or …

3468.Paragraph 9 of Schedule 14 to FA 2007 substituted a new section 774E(4)(b) reading as follows:

(b)Schedule 13 to the Finance Act 2007 (sale and repurchase of securities) applies, …

3469.In that substituted version, CTA 2009 inserted before “applies” the words “or Chapter 10 of Part 6 of CTA 2009 (repos).”

3470.The amendment made by paragraph 9 of Schedule 14 to FA 2007 applied with effect in relation to an arrangement that comes into force on or after 1 October 2007: see article 3 of the Finance Act 2007 (Schedules 13 and 14) Order 2007 (SI 2007/2483).

3471.Furthermore, because of article 5 of that instrument, the pre-FA 2007 version of paragraph 15 of Schedule 9 to FA 1996 is still in force in relation to arrangements which would have been within Schedule 13 to FA 2007 but for having come into force before 1 October 2007.

3472.Section 774E(4)(b) of ICTA, as amended by FA 2007 and CTA 2009, is rewritten to section 771(5)(b) and new section 809BZN(5)(b) of ITA (which is inserted by Schedule 5 to TIOPA). Sub-paragraph (2) of this paragraph accordingly makes transitional provision for arrangements which came into force before 1 October 2007. See also paragraph 78 of Schedule 2 to CTA 2009 for modifications with which paragraph 15 of Schedule 9 to FA 1996 (as it stood before the substitution made by paragraph 18 of Schedule 14 to FA 2007) has effect.

Application of section 779 (income-transfer under loan or credit transaction)

3473.This paragraph is a saving for the words in section 786 of ICTA omitted by paragraph 9(1)(d) of Schedule 25 to FA 2009. This saving applies in relation to transfers before 22 April 2009 in accounting periods which begin before that date and end on or after 1 April 2010.

Part 17: Manufactured payments and repos
Manufactured dividends and manufactured overseas dividends: distributions paid before 1 July 2009

3474.This is a saving for provisions repealed by paragraphs 11 and 12 of Schedule 14 to FA 2009. These savings applyin relation to distributions paid before 1July 2009 in accounting periods which begin before that date and end on or after 1 April 2010.

Manufactured overseas dividends: overseas dividends paid before 22 April 2009

3475.The paragraph headed “Manufactured overseas dividends: overseas dividends paid before 22 April 2009” is a saving for provisions repealed by paragraph 1 of Schedule 29 to FA 2009. This saving applies in relation to overseas dividends paid before 22 April 2009 in accounting periods which begin before that date and end on or after 1 April 2010.

Part 21: Transfers of trade without a change in ownership

3476.These savings preserve the effect of the closing sentences of section 343(2) and (4) of ICTA.

Part 22: Use of different accounting practices within a group

3477.It is possible – although in practice very unlikely – that there could be companies with periods of account which (a) began before 1 January 2005 but (b) have not ended before the entry into force of this Act. Accordingly, the Schedule contains a saving for section 51(6)(a) of FA 2004.

Part 23: Company distributions

3478.The paragraphs in this Part primarily rewrite date-related rules in the source legislation for Part 23 of the Act or the commencement rules for amendments of that source legislation.

Exempt distributions

3479.This paragraph switches off paragraph 8(1) of this Schedule (which preserves the effect of a transitional or savings provision repealed by this Act) in respect of the repeal by this Act of the Corporation Tax (Implementation of the Mergers Directive) Regulations 2009 (SI 2009/2797), which amended section 213(4) of ICTA. It does so to allow the rule in section 1081(1) to apply to the whole of the first accounting period of a company to which this Act applies (that is, the first accounting period to end on or after 1 April 2010) rather than only to the part of that accounting period that follows the effective date of those regulations (distributions made on or after 11 November 2009). See Change 66 in Annex 1.

Schedule 3: Repeals and revocations

3480.This Schedule contains repeals and revocations of enactments, including some spent enactments.

3481.The repeals and revocations in Part 2 of this Schedule have effect only for the purposes of corporation tax (and in one case also PRT).

Schedule 4: Index of defined expressions

3482.This Schedule provides an index of defined expressions used in this Act. Nearly all of the definitions appear in this Act, but a few are contained in other Acts.



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