
PART IIAmendment of Licensing Law

9Record of conviction of licensed person

(1)Where a licensed person is convicted before any court of any offence committed by him as such, it shall be the duty of the clerk of the licensing justices to enter notice of every such conviction, in the form prescribed by the Secretary of State, in the register of licences kept by him, and if the clerk of the court is not the cleric of the licensing justices, he shall forthwith send notice of the conviction to the clerk of the licensing justices.

(2)On any application for the grant, renewal, or transfer of a licence the licensing justices shall .have regard to any entries in the register of licences relating either to the person by whom, or to the premises in respect of which, the licence is to be held.

(3)When a conviction relating to any premises is entered in the register of licences, it shall be the duty of the clerk of the licensing justices to serve, in manner provided by the [35 & 36 Vict. c. 94.] Licensing Act, 1872, notice of the conviction on the owner of the premises.

(4)After the commencement of this Act no conviction shall be recorded on a licence.