Transport Act 1962

11(1)The tribunal may, from time to time, with the approval of the Lord Chancellor, the Secretary of State and the Minister, make general rules governing their procedure and practice and generally for carrying into effect their duties and powers, and such rules may, among other things, provide for—

(a)the awarding of costs by the tribunal ;

(b)the reference of any question to a member or officer of the tribunal, or any other person appointed by them, for report after holding a local inquiry ;

(c)the review by the tribunal of decisions previously given by them ;

(d)the number of members of the tribunal to constitute a quorum (including the quorum of either Division of the tribunal);

(e)enabling the tribunal to dispose of any proceedings notwith standing that in the course of those proceedings there has been a change in the persons sitting as members of the tribunal;

(f)the right of audience before the tribunal ;

and may, subject to the consent of the Treasury, prescribe the scale of fees for and in connection with the proceedings before the tribunal.

(2)Any rules under subsection (1) of section twenty-two of the Railways Act, 1921 (which is replaced by this paragraph), which are in operation immediately before this Schedule comes into force shall have effect as if /they were made under .this paragraph.