Deer (Scotland) Act 1959

7Control schemes

(1)Where the Commission are satisfied that red deer have caused damage to agriculture or forestry in any locality, and that for the prevention of further damage the red deer in the area in which the locality is situated should be reduced in number or exterminated, they shall determine, having due regard to the nature and character of the land in that area, what measures shall be taken for that reduction or extermination as the case may be.

(2)Thereafter it shall be the duty of the Commission to consult with such owners or occupiers of land, being land where red deer are established, as the Commission consider to be substantially interested, to secure agreement on the carrying out of the measures which they have determined as aforesaid.

(3)Where after such consultations the Commission are satisfied that it is not possible to secure agreement as aforesaid or that the measures agreed on are not being carried out, they shall make a scheme (hereinafter in this Act referred to as a " control scheme ") for the carrying out of such measures, and any such scheme before it comes into operation shall require confirmation by the Secretary of State.

(4)In this Act the area to which a control scheme relates as aforesaid is, in relation to that scheme, referred to as the " control area

(5)A control scheme shall be made and confirmed in accordance with the provisions of Parts I and III of the Second Schedule to this Act, may be varied or revoked in accordance with the provisions of Pants II and III of the said Schedule, and Part IV of that Schedule shall apply with respect to the validity of such a scheme or any variation or revocation thereof.