
IVGrown Leases for Gardens may be renewed, as the Leases of Houses may under Act 34 G.3 c.75.

Provided always, and be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful to renew any Leases of such Land or Ground demised or granted under the Authority -of this Act, for Garden, Yard, Curtilage and other Appurtenances to be used and enjoyed with any Houses or Buildings, at such Times and upon such Terms, and under and subject to the same Rules, Restrictions, and Provisions, as are prescribed by the said recited Act of the Thirty-fourth Year of His present Majesty or by this Act, for the Renewal of Leases of any Tenements and Hereditaments authorized thereby respectively,- to be granted for a Term not exceeding Ninety-nine Years Provided always, that where any such Land shall be held and used under this Act as, a Garden, Yard, Curtilage or other Appurtenance to any Houses or Buildings h61den under any Lease from the. Crown, it shall be lawful to renew the Lease of such Land at the same Time as the Lease of such Houses and Building are renewed, and for the same Term and under the like Conditions.