Law of Property Act 1925

124Payment by attorney under power without notice of death, &c.

(1)Any person making any payment or doing any act, in good faith, in pursuance of a power of attorney, shall not be liable in respect of the payment or act by reason that before the payment or act the donor of the power had died or become subject to disability or bankrupt, or had revoked the power, if the fact of death, disability, bankruptcy, or revocation was not at the time of the payment or act known to the person making or doing the same.

(2)A statutory declaration by an attorney to the effect that he has not received any notice or information of the revocation of such power of attorney by death or otherwise shall, if made immediately before or within three months after any such payment or act as aforesaid, be taken to be conclusive proof of such non-revocation at the time when such payment or act was made or done.

Where the donee of the power of attorney is a corporation aggregate, the officer appointed to act for the corporation in the execution of the power may make the statutory declaration in like manner as if that officer had been the donee of the power.

Where probate or letters of administration have been granted to any person, as attorney for some other person, this section applies as if the payment made or acts done under the grant had been made or done under a power of attorney.

(3)This section does not affect any right against the payee of any person interested in any money so paid; and that person shall have the like remedy against the payee as he would have had against the payer if the payment had not been made by him.

(4)This section applies to payments and acts made and done before or after the commencement of this Act, and in this section "power of attorney" includes a power of attorney implied by statute.