Church of Scotland (Property and Endowments) Amendment Act 1933

10Vesting of stipends of ministers of burgh churches, and o

The stipend payable to the minister of any burgh church or parliamentary church or the church of any parish quoad omnia mentioned in the Eighth Schedule to the principal Act shall, as from the date of the passing of this Act, if the benefice shall then be vacant, and, if the benefice shall not then be vacant, as from the occurrence of the first vacancy after the said date, be deemed to vest de die in diem in the minister entitled thereto without prejudice to the payment of any stipend vested in him or in any former incumbent according to the law and practice existing at the passing of this Act, and subject to the satisfaction of any claim for Ann on the part of the widow or other representatives of a deceased incumbent :

Provided that the minister of any such church as aforesaid, being the incumbent of the benefice at the date of the passing of this Act, or where an assistant and successor has been appointed to such minister, either the minister or the assistant and successor, with the consent of the assistant and successor or of the minister (as the case may be), or, failing such consent, with the authority of the presbytery, may elect, by intimation in writing addressed to the General Trustees, that the provisions of this section shall apply to his stipend, and in such cases the benefice shall, for the purposes of this section be deemed to have become vacant as at the date of the said intimation.