
PART IVSupplemental

27Powers of management and sale

(1)The Welsh Commissioners, and any local authority shall, with respect to any property vested in them by or under this Act, have power to manage the property and, as incidental thereto, power to sell, lease, or exchange any part thereof; but any such power of sale, leasing, or exchange shall not be exercised by the Welsh Commissioners without the consent of the Treasury, or by a local authority without such consent as is by law required for the purposes of the sale, leasing, or exchange of land by that authority :

Provided that nothing in this section shall be construed as conferring a power on any authority to sell any part of a burial ground.

(2)The property transferred under this Act to the University of Wales shall not be reckoned as part of the property held by that university for the purposes of the limitation contained in the charter of the university on the amount of property which they are authorised to hold, and the university may, notwithstanding anything in that charter, hold and apply the property so transferred to them, and make any payments thereout required for preserving existing interests, in accordance with the provisions of this Act, and shall for that purpose have power to manage the property, and as incidental thereto to sell, lease, or exchange any part thereof; but no such power of sale, leasing, or exchange shall, whilst the university continues liable to make payments for the purpose of preserving existing interests, be exercised without the consent of the Treasury.

(3)As respects glebe and other land transferred to the representative body subject to the payment of the value thereof, the Welsh Commissioners may allow the whole or any part of the money payable by the representative body to remain on mortgage of the glebe or other land transferred, or may allow the payment to be made by instalments spread over such term of years as they may determine.