Wellington Museum Act 1947

1 Transfer of Apsley House and certain Wellington heirlooms and other chattels.U.K.

(1)Apsley House, together with the site, forecourt and garden thereof, shall, by virtue of this Act, vest absolutely in the Minister of Works, free from any rights, claims or provisions which would or might exist or apply in relation thereto but for the provisions of this Act.

(2)Such chattels as may be specified in any agreement in that behalf made between the Minister of Education of the one part and His Grace the seventh Duke of Wellington or any of his successors in the Dukedom of Wellington on the other part (being chattels held by virtue of the Wellington Estate Acts as heirlooms, or chattels formerly belonging to the first Duke of Wellington which are the property of His Grace the seventh Duke of Wellington or the successor in question) shall, as from the date of the making of the agreement, vest, by virtue of this Act, absolutely in the Minister of Education free from any rights, claims or provisions which would or might exist or apply in relation thereto but for the provisions of this Act.