Resolutions for, and Commencement of, Voluntary Winding Up.
278Circumstances in which company may be wound up voluntarily.
(1)A company may be wound up voluntarily—
(a)when the period, if any; fixed for the duration of the company by the articles expires, or the event, if any, occurs, on the occurrence of which the articles provide that the company is to be dissolved, and the company in general meeting has passed a resolution requiring the company to be wound up voluntarily;
(b)if the company resolves by special resolution that the company be wound up voluntarily;
(c)if the company resolves by extraordinary resolution to the effect that it cannot by reason of its liabilities continue its business, and that it is advisable to wind up.
(2)In this Act the expression “a resolution for voluntary winding up ” means a resolution passed under any of the provisions of subsection (1) of this section.
279Notice of resolution to wind up voluntarily.
(1)When a company has passed a resolution for voluntary winding up, it shall, within fourteen days after the passing of the resolution, give notice of the resolution by advertisement in the Gazette.
(2)If default is made in complying with this section, the company and every officer of the company who is in default shall be liable to a default fine, and for the purposes of this' subsection the liquidator of the company shall be deemed to be an officer of the company.
280Commencement of voluntary winding up.
A voluntary winding up shall be deemed to commence at the time of the passing of the resolution for voluntary winding up.
Consequences of Voluntary Winding Up.
281Effect of voluntary winding up on business and status of company.
In case of a voluntary winding up, the company shall, from the commencement of the winding up, cease to carry on its business, except so far as may be required for the beneficial winding up thereof:
Provided that the corporate state and corporate powers of the company shall, notwithstanding anything to the contrary in its articles, continue until it is dissolved.
282Avoidance of transfers, &c., after commencement of voluntary winding up.
Any transfer of shares, not being a transfer made to or with the sanction of the liquidator, and any alteration in the status of the members of the company, made after the commencement of a voluntary winding up, shall be void.
Declaration of Solvency.
283Statutory declaration of solvency in case of proposal to wind up voluntarily.
(1)Where it is proposed to wind up a company voluntarily, the directors of the company or, in the case of a company having more than two directors, the majority of the directors, may, at a meeting of the directors make a statutory declaration to the effect that they have made a full inquiry into the affairs of the company, and that, having so done, they have formed the opinion that the company will be able to pay its debts in full within such period not exceeding twelve months from the commencement of the winding up as may be specified in the declaration.
(2)A declaration made as aforesaid shall have no effect for the purposes of this Act unless—
(a)it is made within the five weeks immediately preceding the date of the passing of the resolution for winding up the company and is delivered to the registrar of companies for registration before that date; and
(b)it embodies a statement of the company's assets and liabilities as at the latest practicable date before the making of the declaration.
(3)Any director of a company making a declaration under this section without having reasonable grounds for the opinion that the company will be able to pay its debts in full within the period specified in the declaration, shall be liable to imprisonment for a period not exceeding six months or to a fine not exceeding five hundred pounds or to both; and if the company is wound up in pursuance of a resolution passed within the period of five weeks after the making of the declaration, but its debts are not paid or provided for in full within the period stated in the declaration, it shall be presumed until the contrary is shown that the director did not have reasonable grounds for his opinion.
(4)A winding up in the case of which a declaration has been made and delivered in accordance with this section or section two hundred and thirty of the Companies Act, 1929, is in this Act referred to as " a members' voluntary winding up “, and a winding up in the case of which a declaration has not been made and delivered as aforesaid is in this Act referred to as ” a creditors' voluntary winding up ".
(5)Subsections (1) to (3) of this section shall not apply to a winding up commenced before the commencement of this Act.
Provisions applicable to a Members' Voluntary Winding Up.
284Provisions applicable to a members' winding up.
The provisions contained in the seven sections of this Act next following shall, subject to the provisions of the last of them, apply in relation to a members' voluntary winding up.
285Power of company to appoint and fix remuneration of liquidators.
(1)The company in general meeting shall appoint one or more liquidators for the purpose of winding up the affairs and distributing the assets of the company, and may fix the remuneration to be paid to him or them.
(2)On the appointment of a liquidator all the powers of the directors shall cease, except so far as the company in general meeting or the liquidator sanctions the continuance thereof.
286Power to fill vacancy in office of liquidator.
(1)If a vacancy occurs by death, resignation or otherwise in the office of liquidator appointed by the company, the company in general meeting may, subject to any arrangement with its creditors, fill the vacancy.
(2)For that purpose a general meeting may be convened by any contributory or, if there were more liquidators than one, by the continuing liquidators.
(3)The meeting shall be held in manner provided by this Act or by the articles, or in such manner as may, on application by any contributory or by the continuing liquidators, be determined by the court.
287Power of liquidator to accept shares, &c, as consideration for sale of property of company.
(1)Where a company is proposed to be, or is in course of being, wound up. altogether voluntarily, and the whole or part of its business or property is proposed to be transferred or sold to another company, whether a company within the meaning of this Act or not (in this section called “the transferee company ”), the liquidator of the first-mentioned company (in this section called “the transferor company ”) may, with the sanction of a special resolution of that company, conferring either a general authority on the liquidator or an authority in respect of any particular arrangement, receive, in compensation or part compensation for the transfer or sale, shares, policies or other like interests in the transferee company for distribution among the members of the transferor company, or may enter into any other arrangement whereby the members of the transferor company may, in lieu of receiving cash, shares, policies or other like interests, or in addition thereto, participate in the profits of or receive any other benefit from the transferee company.
(2)Any sale or arrangement in pursuance of this section shall be binding on the members of the transferor company.
(3)If any member of the transferor company who did not vote in favour of the special resolution expresses his dissent therefrom in writing addressed to the liquidator, and left at the registered office of the company within seven days after the passing of the resolution, he may require the liquidator either to abstain from carrying the resolution into effect or to purchase his interest at a price to be determined by agreement or by arbitration in manner provided by this section.
(4)If the liquidator elects to purchase the member's interest, the purchase money must be paid before the company is dissolved and be raised by the liquidator in such manner as may be determined by special resolution.
(5)A special resolution shall not be invalid for the purposes of this section by reason that it is passed before or concurrently with a resolution for voluntary winding up or for appointing liquidators, but, if an order is made within a year for winding up the company by or subject to the supervision of the court, the special resolution shall not be valid unless sanctioned by the court.
(6)For the purposes of an arbitration under this section, the provisions of the [8 & 9 Vict. c. 16.] Companies Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845, or, in the case of a winding up in Scotland, the [8 & 9 Vict. c. 17.] Companies Clauses Consolidation (Scotland) Act, 1845, with respect to the settlement of disputes by arbitration, shall be incorporated with this Act, and in the construction of those provisions this Act shall be deemed to be the special Act and “the company ” shall mean the transferor company, and any appointment by the said incorporated provisions directed to be made under the hand of the secretary or any two of the directors may be made under the hand of the liquidator, or, if there is more than one liquidator, then of any two or more of the liquidators.
288Duty of liquidator to call creditors' meeting in case of insolvency.
(1)If, in the case of a winding up commenced after the commencement of this Act, the liquidator is at any time of opinion that the company will not be able to pay its debts in full within the period stated in the declaration under section two hundred and eighty-three of this Act he shall forthwith summon a meeting of the creditors, and shall lay before the meeting a statement of the assets and liabilities of the company.
(2)If the liquidator fails to comply with this section, he shall be liable to a fine not exceeding fifty pounds.
289Duty of liquidator to call general meeting at end of each year.
(1)Subject to the provisions of section two hundred and ninety-one of this Act, in the event of the winding up continuing for more than one year, the liquidator shall summon a general meeting of the company at the end of the first year from the commencement of the winding up, and of each succeeding year, or at the first convenient date within three months from the end of the year or such longer period as the Board of Trade may allow, and shall lay before the meeting an account of his acts and dealings and of the conduct of the winding up during the preceding year.
(2)If the liquidator fails to comply with this section, he shall be liable to a fine not exceeding ten pounds.
290Final meeting and dissolution.
(1)Subject to the provisions of the next following section, as soon as the affairs of the company are fully wound up, the liquidator shall make up an account of the winding up, showing how the winding up has been conducted and the property of the company has been disposed of, and thereupon shall call a general meeting of the company for the purpose of laying before it the account, and giving any explanation thereof.
(2)The meeting shall be called by advertisement in the Gazette, specifying the time, place and object thereof, and published one month at least before the meeting.
(3)Within one week after the meeting, the liquidator shall send to the registrar of companies a copy of the account, and shall make a return to him of the holding of the meeting and of its date, and if the copy is not sent or the return is not made in accordance with this subsection the liquidator shall be liable to a fine not exceeding five pounds for every day during which the default continues:
Provided that, if a quorum is not present at the meeting, the liquidator shall, in lieu of the return hereinbefore mentioned, make a return that the meeting was duly summoned and that no quorum was present thereat, and upon such a return being made the provisions of this subsection as to the making of the return shall be deemed to have been complied with.
(4)The registrar on receiving the account and either of the returns hereinbefore mentioned shall forthwith register them, and on the expiration of three months from the registration of the return the company shall be deemed to be dissolved:
Provided that the court may, on the application of the liquidator or of any other person who appears to the court to be interested, make an order deferring the date at which the dissolution of the company is to take effect for such time as the court thinks fit.
(5)It shall be the duty of the person on whose application an order of the court under this section is made, within seven days after the making of the order, to deliver to the registrar an office copy of the order for registration, and if that person fails so to do he shall be liable to a fine not exceeding five pounds for every day during which the default continues.
(6)If the liquidator fails to call a general meeting of the company as required by this section, he shall be liable to a fine not exceeding fifty pounds.
291Alternative provisions as to annual and final meetings in case of insolvency.
Where section two hundred and eighty-eight of this Act has effect, sections two hundred and ninety-nine and three hundred thereof shall apply to the winding up to the exclusion of the two last foregoing sections, as if the winding up were a creditors' voluntary winding up and not a members' voluntary winding up:
Provided that the liquidator shall not be required to summon a meeting of creditors under the said section two hundred and ninety-nine at the end of the first year from the commencement of the winding up, unless the meeting held under the said section two hundred and eighty-eight is held more than three months before the end of that year.
Provisions applicable to a Creditors' Voluntary Winding Up.
292Provisions applicable to a creditors' winding up.
The provisions contained in the eight sections of this Act next following shall apply in relation to a creditors' voluntary winding up.
293Meeting of creditors.
(1)The company shall cause a meeting of the creditors of the company to be summoned for the day, or the day next following the day, on which there is to be held the meeting at which the resolution for voluntary winding up is to be proposed, and shall cause the notices of the said meeting of creditors to be sent by post to the creditors simultaneously with the sending of the notices of the said meeting of the company.
(2)The company shall cause notice of the meeting of the creditors to be advertised once in the Gazette and once at least in two local newspapers circulating in the district where the registered office or principal place of business of the company is situate.
(3)The directors of the company shall—
(a)cause a full statement of the position of the company's affairs together with a list of the creditors of the company and the estimated amount of their claims to be laid before the meeting of the creditors to be held as aforesaid; and
(b)appoint one of their number to preside at the said meeting.
(4)It shall be the duty of the director appointed to preside at the meeting of creditors to attend the meeting and preside thereat.
(5)If the meeting of the company at which the resolution for voluntary winding up is to be proposed is adjourned and the resolution is passed at an adjourned meeting, any resolution passed at the meeting of -the creditors held in pursuance of subsection (1) of this section shall have effect as if it had been passed immediately after the passing of the resolution for winding up the company.
(6)If default is made—
(a)by the company in complying with subsections (1) and (2) of this section;
(b)by the directors of the company in complying with subsection (3) of this section;
(c)by any director of the company in complying with subsection (4) of this section;
the company, directors or director, as the case may be, shall be liable to a fine not exceeding one hundred pounds, and, in the case of default by the company, every officer of the company who is in default shall be liable to the like penalty.
294Appointment of liquidator.
The creditors and the company at their respective meetings mentioned in the last foregoing section may nominate a person to be liquidator for the purpose of winding up the affairs and distributing the assets of the company, and if the creditors and the company nominate different persons, the person nominated by the creditors shall be liquidator, and if no person is nominated by the creditors the person, if any, nominated by the company shall be liquidator:
Provided that in the case of different persons being nominated, any director, member or creditor of the company may, within seven days after the date on which the nomination was made by the creditors, apply to the court for an order either directing that the person nominated as liquidator by the company shall be liquidator instead of or jointly with the person nominated by the creditors or appointing some other person to be liquidator instead of the person appointed by the creditors.
295Appointment of committee of inspection.
(1)The creditors at the meeting to be held in pursuance of section two hundred and ninety-three of this Act or at any subsequent meeting may, if they think fit, appoint a committee of inspection consisting of not more than five persons, and if such a committee is appointed the company may, either at the meeting at which the resolution for voluntary winding up is passed or at any time subsequently in general meeting, appoint such number of persons as they think fit to act as members of the committee not exceeding five in number:
Provided that the creditors may, if they think fit, resolve that all or any of the persons so appointed by the company ought not to be members of the committee of inspection, and, if the creditors so resolve, the persons mentioned in the resolution shall not, unless the court otherwise directs, be qualified to act as members of the committee, and on any application to the court under this provision the court may, if it thinks fit, appoint other persons to act as such members in place of the persons mentioned in the resolution.
(2)Subject to the provisions of this section and to general rules, the provisions of sections two hundred and fifty-three (except subsection (1)) and two hundred and fifty-five of this Act shall apply with respect to a committee of inspection appointed under this section as they apply with respect to a committee of inspection appointed in a winding up by the court.
296Fixing of liquidators' remuneration and cesser of directors' powers.
(1)The committee of inspection, or if there is no such committee, the creditors, may fix the remuneration to be paid to the liquidator or liquidators.
(2)On the appointment of a liquidator, all the powers of the directors shall cease, except so far as the committee of inspection, or if there is no such committee, the creditors, sanction the continuance thereof.
297Power to fill vacancy in office of liquidator.
If a vacancy occurs, by death, resignation or otherwise, in the office of a liquidator, other than a .liquidator appointed by, or by the direction of, the court, the creditors may fill the vacancy.
298Application of s.287 to a creditors' voluntary winding up.
The provisions of section two hundred and eighty-seven of this Act shall apply in the case of a creditors' voluntary winding up as in the case of a members' voluntary winding up, with the modification that the powers of the liquidator under the said section shall not be exercised except with the sanction either of the court or of the committee of inspection.
299Duty of liquidator to call meetings of company and of creditors at end of each year.
(1)In the event of the winding up continuing for more than one year, the liquidator shall summon a general meeting of the company and a meeting of the creditors at the end of the first year from the commencement of the winding up, and of each succeeding year, or at the first convenient date within three months from the end of the year or such longer period as the Board of Trade may allow, and shall lay before the meetings an account of his acts and dealings and of the conduct of the winding up during the preceding year.
(2)If the liquidator fails to comply with this section, he shall be liable to a fine not exceeding ten pounds.
300Final meeting and dissolution.
(1)As soon as the affairs of the company are fully wound up, the liquidator shall make up an account of the winding up, showing how the winding up has been conducted and the property of the company has been disposed of, and thereupon shall call a general meeting of the company and a meeting of the creditors for the purpose of laying the account before the meetings and giving any explanation thereof.
(2)Each such meeting shall be called by advertisement in the Gazette specifying the time, place and object thereof, and published one month at least before the meeting.
(3)Within one week after the date of the meetings, or, if the meetings are not held on the same date, after the date of the later meeting, the liquidator shall send to the registrar of companies a copy of the account, and shall make a return to him of the holding of the meetings and of their dates, and if the copy is not sent or the return is not made in accordance with this subsection the liquidator shall be liable to a fine not exceeding five pounds for every day during which the default continues:
Provided that, if a quorum is not present at either such meeting, the liquidator shall, in lieu of the return hereinbefore mentioned, make a return that the meeting was duly summoned and that no quorum was present thereat and upon such a return being made the provisions of this subsection as to the making of the return shall, in respect of that meeting, be deemed to have been complied with.
(4)The registrar on receiving the account and, in respect of each such meeting, either of the returns hereinbefore mentioned, shall forthwith register them, and on the expiration of three months from the registration thereof the company shall be deemed to be dissolved:
Provided that the court may, on the application of the liquidator or of any other person who appears to the court to be interested, make an order deferring the date at which the dissolution of the company is to take effect for such time as the court thinks fit.
(5)It shall be the duty of the person on whose application an order of the court under this section is made, within seven days after the making of the order, to deliver to the registrar an office copy of the order for registration, and if that person fails so to do he shall be liable to a fine not exceeding five pounds for every day during which the default continues.
(6)If the liquidator fails to call a general meeting of the company or a meeting of the creditors as required by this section, he shall be liable to a fine not exceeding fifty pounds.
Provisions applicable to every Voluntary Winding Up.
301Provisions applicable to every voluntary winding up.
The provisions contained in the nine sections of this Act next following shall apply to every voluntary winding up whether a members' or a creditors' winding up.
302Distribution of property of company.
Subject to the provisions of this Act as to preferential payments, the property of a company shall, on its winding up, be applied in satisfaction of its liabilities pari passu, and, subject to such application, shall, unless the articles otherwise provide, be distributed among the members according to their rights and interests in the company.
303Powers and duties of liquidator in voluntary winding up.
(1)The liquidator may—
(a)in the case of a members' voluntary winding up, with the sanction of an extraordinary resolution of the company, and, in the case of a creditors' voluntary winding up, with the sanction of the court or the committee of inspection or (if there is no such committee) a meeting of the creditors, exercise any of the powers given by paragraphs (d), (e) and (f) of sub section (i) of section two hundred and forty-five of this Act to a liquidator in a winding up by the court;
(b)without sanction, exercise any of the other powers by this Act given to the liquidator in a winding up by the court;
(c)exercise the power of the court under this Act of settling a list of contributories, and the list of contributories shall be prima facie evidence of the liability of the persons named therein to be contributories:
(d)exercise the power of the court of making calls;
(e)summon general meetings of the company for the purpose of obtaining the sanction of the company by special or extraordinary resolution or for any other purpose he may think fit.
(2)The liquidator shall pay the debts of the company and shall adjust the rights of the contributories among themselves.
(3)When several liquidators are appointed, any power given by this Act may be exercised by such one or more of them as may be determined at the time of their appointment, or, in default of such determination, by any number not less than two.
304Power of court to appoint and remove liquidator in voluntary winding up.
(1)If from any cause whatever there is no liquidator acting, the court may appoint a liquidator.
(2)The court may, on cause shown, remove a liquidator and appoint another liquidator.
305Notice by liquidator of his appointment.
(1)The liquidator shall, within fourteen days after his appointment, publish in the Gazette and deliver to the registrar of companies for registration a notice of his appointment in the form prescribed by statutory instrument made by the Board of Trade.
(2)If the liquidator fails to comply with the requirements of this section he shall be liable to a fine not exceeding five pounds for every day during which the default continues.
306Arrangement when binding on creditors.
(1)Any arrangement entered into between a company about to be, or in the course of being, wound up and its creditors shall, subject to the right of appeal under this section, be binding on the company if sanctioned by an extraordinary resolution and on the creditors if acceded to by three fourths in number and value of the creditors.
(2)Any creditor or contributory may, within three weeks from the completion of the arrangement, appeal to the court against it, and the court may thereupon, as it thinks just, amend, vary or confirm the arrangement
307Power to apply to court to have questions determined or powers exercised.
(1)The liquidator or any contributory or creditor may apply to the court to determine any question arising in the winding up of a company, or to exercise, as respects the enforcing of calls or any other matter, all or any of the powers which the -court might exercise if the company were being wound up by the court.
(2)The court, if satisfied that the determination of the question or the required exercise of power will be just and beneficial, may accede wholly or partially to the application on such terms and conditions as it thinks fit or may make such other order on the application as it thinks just.
(3)A copy of an order made by virtue of this section staying the proceedings in the winding up shall forthwith be forwarded by the company, or otherwise as may be prescribed, to the registrar of companies, who shall make a minute of the order in his books relating to the company.
308Power of court in Scotland to stay proceedings against company.
(1)If the court, on the application of the liquidator in the winding up of a company registered in Scotland, so directs, no action or proceeding shall be proceeded with or commenced against the company except by leave of the court and subject to such terms as the court may impose.
(2)Nothing in this section shall be taken to affect the practice or powers of the court as existing immediately before the first day of November, nineteen hundred and twenty-nine, with respect to the staying of proceedings against a company registered in England and in course of being wound up.
309Costs of voluntary winding up.
All costs, charges and expenses properly incurred in the winding up, including the remuneration of the liquidator, shall be payable out of the assets of the company in priority to all other claims.
310Saving for rights of creditors and contributories.
The winding up of a company shall not bar the right of any creditor or contributory to have it wound up by the court, but in the case of an application by a contributory the court must be satisfied that the rights of the contributories will be prejudiced by a voluntary winding up.