Agricultural Wages Act 1948

Sections 3, 6, 7, 16.

FOURTH SCHEDULEOrders of the Agricultural Wages Board

1Where the Board propose to make an order under any provision of this Act, the Board shall—

(a)give, in such manner as appears to the Board requisite for informing persons concerned, .public notice of the proposed order and of the manner in which and the time (not being less than fourteen days from the date of the notice) within which objections to the proposals may be lodged;

(b)serve a like notice by post on the agricultural wages committee for the county to which the order relates;

and shall consider any objections to the proposals which may be lodged in accordance with the notice.

2After considering any such objections the Board may make an order, in accordance with their original proposals or with those proposals as modified in such manner as appears to the Board expedient having regard to any objections lodged:

Provided that where it appears to the Board that, having regard to the nature of any modifications which they propose to make in their original proposals, opportunity should be given for the consideration thereof by persons concerned, the Board shall again give and serve notice under the preceding paragraph, and this paragraph shall apply accordingly.

3Notwithstanding anything in the foregoing paragraphs of this Schedule, where the Board are satisfied that on the ground of the limited application of a proposed order it is unnecessary to comply with the provisions of those paragraphs and certify accordingly, the Board may, instead of complying with those provisions, give notice of the proposed order in such manner as appears to the Board expedient in the circumstances, and may make the order at any time after the expiration of seven days from the giving of the notice.

4As soon as may be after the Board have made an order under any provision of this Act they shall give public notice of the making of the order and of the contents thereof in such manner as appears to the Board requisite for informing persons concerned, and serve a like notice by post on the agricultural wages committee for the county to which the order relates.

5An order of the Board under any provision of this Act may apply either universally to all workers employed in agriculture in the county to which the order relates or to any special class of workers (as defined in the order) so employed, or to any special area in that county or to any such special class in such a special area, subject in each case to any exceptions specified in the order; and an order of the Board fixing or varying a minimum rate of wages so as to secure that workers employed in agriculture receive remuneration calculated by reference to periods during the currency of their employment may make alternative provisions applying according to different circumstances arising during the currency of a worker's employment or in connection with the termination thereof.

6Without prejudice to the provisions of this Act as to the cancellation and variation of minimum rates of wages and directions as to holidays, an order of the Board made under any provision of this Act may be varied or revoked by a subsequent order made in the like manner and subject to the like conditions.