CCXXXVIISpecial Provision as to Powers of Commissioners acting under 5 & 6 Vict. c.xlviii as to paving Ely Place, &c.
This Act shall not divest the Commissioners under an Act of the Session holden in the Fifth and Sixth Years of Her Majesty, Chapter Forty-eight (Local), For paving, lighting, watching, cleansing, and improving Ely Place and Ely Mews, Holborn, in the County " of Middlesex," of" any of the Powers or Property vested in them under that Act, nor shall any of the Provisions of this Act in relation to the paving, lighting, watering, and cleansing of Streets apply to the Parts within the Limits of the said Local Act, nor shall such Parts be assessed or rated under this Act for defraying any Expenses incurred by the District Board for the Holbom District in relation to paving, lighting, watering, and cleansing; but such Parts shall be subject to all the Provisions of this Act relating to Sewerage and House Drainage, and to be assessed or rated for Sewerage Expenses incurred by the said District Board, and for Expenses incurred by the Metropolitan Board of Works, and towards any Sums required to be raised by such Board under this Act, in like Manner as other Parts within the said District.