General Pier and Harbour Act 1861

9Regulations as to levying of Rates upon Application to Board of Trade.

In case the Promoters or any Persons being the Owners or Proprietors of any Works, or any Persons having the Management of or Powers to construct any such Works under any Local Act of Parliament, or any Town Council of any Seaport Town not having any constituted Harbour Trust, shall be desirous of levying any Rates for the Maintenance of such "Works, or of altering the Schedule of Rates then leviable thereat, they shall prepare,—

(1)A Schedule of such Rates which they may think reasonable and proper to be levied at such Works, and shall publish such Schedule once at the least in each of Two consecutive Weeks in the Months of October and November in some Newspaper circulated within the District or some Part of the District in which such Works are or may be proposed to be constructed:

(2)And shall also deposit a printed Copy of such Schedule at the Office of the Clerk of the Peace of any County, Riding, or Division in England or Ireland, or in Scotland in the Office of the Sheriff Clerk and Clerk of the Peace of the County where such Works are or may be proposed to be constructed :

(3)And shall also transmit a Copy of such Schedule to the Board of Trade, and therewith a Statement showing the State of any existing Works, and the Rates then leviable thereat, the average Revenue derived at such Works for the Three Years preceding the Date of the First of such Advertisements as aforesaid, and the probable or estimated Amount of the Rates proposed to be levied under such Schedule at any existing Works, or at any new Works proposed to be constructed; and also the estimated Amount of Money, if any, proposed to be expended upon any existing or upon any new Works :

(4)And it shall be competent to any Shipowner or Trader within the Limits of such Port, Harbour, or Place, or to any registered Elector or Landowner in the County in which ; such Works may be situate, or in which it is proposed to construct any new Works, to forward any objections to such Schedule in Writing to the Board of Trade within Fourteen Days after the last Insertion of such Schedule in any Newspaper as aforesaid:

(5)The Board of Trade, after the said Fourteen Days shall have elapsed, and after the Receipt of such Schedule and Statement, shall, as soon as conveniently may be, take the same into consideration, and make such Inquiries and obtain such further Information in reference to the several Matters, therein set forth, and to the Objections, if any, that may have been forwarded as aforesaid, as they may deem expedient, and shall finally adjust and fix a Schedule of Rates not exceeding the Rates specified in the Schedule to " The Burgh Harbours (Scotland) Act, 1853," and thereupon the Board of Trade may by Provisional Order empower any of the Persons in this Section mentioned, or their Assigns, to levy and recover Rates according to such Schedule, and to borrow Money on the Security of such Rates, upon such Terms and Conditions and under such Regulations as may be deemed expedient.