Harbours and Passing Tolls, &c. Act 1861

PART VIIIMiscellaneous

64Nothing in 22 & 23 Vict. c. 29. deemed to revive Taxes, &c. which, but for 9 & 10 Vict. c. cccxlvi., would have been payable to Marine Society.

Whereas by the Act of the Ninth and Tenth Victoria, Chapter Three hundred and forty-six, Local and Personal, a Tax of Two Shillings was made payable to the Marine Society by certain Fishing Vessels passing the Nore, and the said Fishing Vessels were exempted from all other Claims, Dues, and Customs: And whereas by the Act of the Twenty-second and Twenty-third Victoria, Chapter Twenty-nine, the said Provisions of the Act of the Ninth and Tenth Victoria, Chapter Three hundred and forty-six, were repealed : And whereas Doubts are entertained whether such Repeal may not have revived other Taxes formerly payable by Fishing Vessels to the said Marine Society, and it is expedient that such Doubts be removed : Be it enacted, That nothing in the said Act of the Twenty-second and Twenty-third Victoria, Chapter Twenty-nine, shall be deemed to have revived any Taxes or Rates which, but for the said Act of the Ninth and Tenth Victoria, Chapter Three hundred and forty-six-, would have been payable to the said Marine Society.

65Title of Board of Trade.

The Lords of the Committee of Privy Council appointed for the Consideration of Matters relating to Trade and Foreign Plantations may be described in all Acts of Parliament, Deeds, Contracts, and other Instruments, by the official Title of " the Board of Trade" without expressing their Names, and all Acts of Parliament, Contracts, Deeds, and other Instruments wherein they are so described shall be as valid as if the said Lords or any of them had been named therein.

66Vesting of Property in Board of Trade.

All Lands and Hereditaments heretofore purchased or taken by or in the Name or Names of any Person or Persons, for the Use of the Department of the Board of Trade, and all Lands and Hereditaments hereby transferred to and vested in the Board of Trade, and all Lands and Hereditaments that may hereafter be conveyed to the Board of Trade, or to any other Person or Persons for the Use of the Department of the Board of Trade, shall, upon and after the passing of this Act, vest in the Persons for the Time being constituting the Board of Trade, and upon their vacating their Offices shall be transferred to and vested in their Successors in Office, in a perpetual Succession, and shall be held by such Persons and their Successors in Office on trust for Her Majesty, Her Heirs and Successors, for the Public Service.

67Execution of Instruments.

Any Deed, Contract, or other Instrument to be executed by or on behalf of the Board of Trade shall be valid if under the Seal of the Board of Trade and signed by the President or Vice President thereof, or signed, if there be no President or Vice President, by any One of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State.

68Disposition of Monies arising from Sale.

The Monies to arise by any Sale of Land made by the Board of Trade shall be paid to such Persons as the said Board appoint, and a Receipt signed by the President or Vice-President of the said Board, or, if there be no such Officers, by any One of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, shall be an effectual Discharge to the Purchaser.

69Power of Board of Trade to purchase Lands.

The Board of Trade may purchase any Lands they may require for the Public Service; and for the Purposes of such Purchase the Clauses of " The Lands Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845," and of "The Lands Clauses Consolidation (Scotland) Act, 1845," and of any Act amending the same, -with the Exception of such Clauses of the said Acts as relate to the Purchase of Lands otherwise than by Agreement, and to Access to the Special Act, shall be incorporated with this Act.