Harbours and Passing Tolls, &c. Act 1861

45Debts incurred prior to 15th March 1861, and secured on Passing Tolls, shall be paid by Board out of Rates.

Subject to the Right of the Creditor as reserved by this Act, all Debts legally incurred previously to the Fifteenth Day of March One thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, and secured on the Passing Tolls levied in respect of Dover Harbour, either alone or in common with other Property, shall be paid by the said Harbour Board out of any Rates they may have Power to levy, and out of any Real or Personal Property of which they may have become seised or possessed ; and for the Purpose of paying such Debts, and the permanent Improvement of the said Harbour, the said Harbour Board may sell the Real and Personal Property vested in them as aforesaid, or any Part thereof, and apply the Monies arising from such Sale accordingly.