
Distribution of Salvage, Bounty, Prize, and other Money

13Taxation and Payment of Costs of Officers and Crew, Agents, &c.

Where in any of the several Cases aforesaid any Money is distributable among the Officers and Crew of any of Her Majesty's Ships of War, the Costs, Charges, and Expenses of the Officers and Crew and of the Ship's Agent, and all other (if any) Costs, Charges, or Expenses properly chargeable against that Money, shall be paid thereout before Distribution thereof, all such Costs, Charges, and Expenses being first taxed and allowed by the proper Officer of the Court having Jurisdiction in the Case, and if there is no such Court then by the Registrar of the High Court of Admiralty.

14Salvage, Bounty, Prize, and other Money to be distributed according to Order in Council, &c.

In the several Cases aforesaid, Money distributable among the Officers and Crew of any of Her Majesty's Ships of War, so far as full Provision respecting the Distribution thereof is not made by or under any Act of Parliament other than this Act, shall be distributed under the Direction of the Lords of the Admiralty in the Shares in that Behalf specified in any Royal Proclamation or Order in Council.

15Payment of Shares.

The several Shares of any such Money as aforesaid shall be paid to the Persons entitled thereto in such Manner, and subject and according to such Restrictions, Conditions, and Provisions, as may from Time to Time be directed by Order in Council.

Any Assignment, Sale, or Contract of or relating to any such Money as aforesaid, payable in respect of the Services of any Petty Officer or Seaman, Non-commissioned Officer of Marines or Marine, other than such as may be made or entered into under the Authority of and in conformity with any such Order in Council, shall be void.

16Exemption from Stamp Duty.

All Bills, Orders, Receipts, and other Instruments drawn, given, or made under the Authority or in pursuance of any such Order in Council by, to, or upon any Officer or Person in the Service of Her Majesty or of the Lords of the Admiralty, shall be exempt from Stamp Duty.

17Forfeited Shares and Deduction of 5 per Cent. to be carried to Naval Prize Cash Balance.

All forfeited and unclaimed Shares and Balances of Prize Money, and a Percentage of Five Pounds in every One hundred Pounds out of the Proceeds of all Prizes, and out of all Grants to the Royal Navy and Marines, and out of all Bounty Money, and also out of all other Money distributable in the several Gases aforesaid among the Officers and Crew of any of Her Majesty's Ships of War out of which such Percentage is at the Commencement of this Act by Law deducted, shall, under the Direction of the Lords of the Admiralty, continue to be carried to and to form Part of the Naval Prize Cash

So much of the Naval Prize Cash Balance as the Lords of the Admiralty think expedient shall from Time to Time by Her Majesty's Paymaster General, under the Authority and Direction of the Lords of the Admiralty, be paid and transferred to the Consolidated Fund of the United Kingdom.

In case at any Time a Claim in respect of Prize or Bounty Money is made which the Naval Prize Cash Balance is not sufficient to meet there shall be paid out of the said Consolidated Fund a sufficient Sum to meet such Claim.

18Agent may be furnished with Copies of Accounts.

A Ship's Agent shall be entitled, on Request, and on Payment of reasonable Expenses, to be furnished with Copies of or Extracts from any official Accounts kept under or for the Purposes of this Act in relation to any of Her Majesty's Ships of War for which he is Agent.