Fish Teinds (Scotland) Act 1864

6 Roll of persons liable in fish teinds to be made up.U.K.

Within eight days after the presentation of such petition the sheriff shall pronounce an order on the minister of the parish or the collector of the fish teinds to lodge with the sheriff clerk, within a period to be specified in such order, a roll of the persons liable or held to be liable in payment of such teinds for the year then current; and after the roll has been lodged the sheriff shall direct the same to be printed, and copies thereof to be affixed for fourteen days on the principal door of the parish church, and on other public places within the parish; and immediately after the expiry of that period the sheriff clerk shall proceed to revise the roll, and within fourteen days after such expiry may, on cause shown, expunge the name of any person therefrom, if satisfied that his name has been erroneously entered therein, but only after giving due intimation to such person of the intention so to do; and the sheriff clerk may also, if satisfied that the name of any person has been unduly omitted from the roll, add his name thereto; and the roll so revised shall be attested and signed by the sheriff and sheriff clerk, and shall be final and conclusive in regard to all matters and things to be done under the provisions of this Act; and the roll shall remain in the custody of the sheriff clerk, who shall deliver a copy thereof to any person applying for the same, on payment for such copy at the rate of sixpence for every one hundred names copied.