Where any Beal Burden, Condition, Provision, or Limitation, or other Matter has been or shall he appointed to be inserted or referred to in the Instruments of Sasine or of Resignation ad remanentiam, or other Instruments applicable to any Lands, such Real Burden, Condition, Provision, or Limitation, or other Matter, shall be inserted or referred to in manner provided by this Act in every Instrument applicable to such Lands to be expede in virtue of this Act, and in every Conveyance or Deed of or relating to such Lands the Registration of which in the Register of Sasines is by this Act equivalent to infeftment or Resignation ad remanentiam : Provided always, that where such Real Burdens, Conditions, Provisions, Limitations, or other Matters have been already inserted in any Conveyance or Deed or Instrument recorded in the appropriate Register of Sasines, it shall not be necessary to insert the same at Length in any subsequent Conveyance or Deed or Instrument, provided the same be therein referred to in manner provided, in the Ninth or Tenth Sections of this Act, as the Circumstances of the Case may require.