Titles to Land Consolidation (Scotland) Act 1868

87Register of Crown Writs to be kept.

The Director of Chancery, or his Depute or Substitute, shall enter or cause to be entered in a Book to be kept for the Purpose, and entitled "The Register of Crown Writs," the whole Crown Writ at full Length, and where any such Writ is engrossed on a Deed or Conveyance the Director or his Depute or Substitute shall, in addition to the Writ itself, enter or cause to be entered in the said Register of Crown Writs the leading Name or Names or short distinctive Description of the Lands comprehended in the Deed or Conveyance on which such Writ is engrossed, or of such of those Lands as the Writ applies to, and the Date of or of recording such Deed or Conveyance, and, if recorded, the Register in which the same is recorded : Provided always, that no Crown "Writ entered in the Register of Crown Writs before the Commencement of this Act shall be held to be invalidly entered in such Register, although the whole of such Writ has been so entered, anything in the" Titles to Land (Scotland) Act, 1858," notwithstanding ; and it is hereby provided that Extracts from the said Register of Crown Writs, certified by the Director of Chancery or his Depute or Substitute, shall make Faith in Judgment in all Cases except in case of Improbation.