Municipal Corporations Act 1882

15Qualification, term of office, salary, precedence, and powers of mayor.

(1)The mayor shall be a fit person elected by the council from among the aldermen or councillors or persons qualified to be such.

(2)An outgoing alderman is eligible.

(3)The term of office of the mayor shall be one year, but he shall continue in office until his successor has accepted office and made and subscribed the required declaration.

(4)He may receive such remuneration as the council think reasonable.

(5)He shall, subject to the provisions of this Act respecting justices, have precedence in all places in the borough.

(6)The mayor of a borough named in the schedules to the Municipal Corporations Act, 1835, shall be capable in law to do and suffer all acts which the chief officer of the borough might at the passing of that Act lawfully do or suffer, as far as the same were not altered or annulled by that Act, or have not been altered or annulled by any subsequent Act.