
VTrustees for incapacitated Persons empowered to purchase Rents and to enfranchise Lands; but if the Purchase Money exceeds 200l., with Sanction of a Court of Equity.

And be it enacted, That where any Lunatic, Infant, Feme Covert, or other incapacitated Person shall be interested in any Hereditaments upon which any Rent hereby authorized to be sold may be charged, or which may be subject to any Manorial, Forestal, or other Rights hereby authorized to be sold, or in any Copyhold or Customary Tenements hereby authorized to be enfranchised, then and in such Case it shall be lawful for the Committee of such Lunatic, or the Guardian of such Infant, or the Trustee for such Feme Covert or other Person under Incapacity, to contract and purchase such Rent, or such Manorial, Forestal, or other Rights, or to contract for and take the Enfranchisement of any such Copyhold or Customary Tenements, on behalf of such Lunatic, Infant, Feme Covert, or other incapacitated Person, and to apply any Monies in his Hands belonging to such Lunatic, Infant, Feme Covert, or other incapacitated Person for that Purpose, and in Payment of the Expences attending the same; and this Act, without any further Authority, except in the Instance herein-after mentioned, shall be a sufficient Indemnity to every such Committee, Guardian, and Trustee for the Application of the Money applied in such Purchase or Enfranchisement, and in Payment of the Expences attending the same : Provided nevertheless, that if the Purchase or Enfranchisement Money shall exceed the Sum of Two hundred Pounds the same shall not be so applied without the Sanction and Authority of the High Court of Chancery, which Sanction and Authority the said Court is hereby empowered to give on Petition in a summary Way, or otherwise, as to the same Court shall seem fit.