Judicial Committee Act 1844

Her Majesty, by Order in Council, may provide for the Admission of an Appeal from any Colony, although there shall not be a Court of Error or of Appeal in such Colony ; and may revoke such Orders.

That it shall be competent to Her Majesty, by any Order or Orders to be from Time to Time for that Purpose made with the Advice of Her Privy Council, to provide for the Admission of any Appeal or Appeals to Her Majesty in Council from any Judgments, Sentences, Decrees, or Orders of any Court of Justice within any British Colony or Possession abroad, although such Court shall not be a Court of Errors or a Court of Appeal within such Colony or Possession; and it shall also be competent to Her Majesty, by any such Order or Orders as aforesaid, to make all such Provisions as to Her Majesty in Council shall seem meet for the instituting and prosecuting any such Appeals, and for carrying into effect any such Decisions or Sentences as Her Majesty in Council shall pronounce thereon :