
LVRepealing Provisions in 5 & 6 W.4. c. 29. as to Fees receivable by Accountant in Bankruptcy.

And whereas by an Act which passed in the Sixth Year of the Reign of King William the Fourth, intituled An Act for investing in Government Securities a Portion of the Cash lying unemployed in the Bank of England belonging to Bankrupts Estates, and applying the Interest thereon in discharge of the Expences of the Court of Bankruptcy; and for the Relief of the Suitors in the said Court; and for removing Doubts as to the Extent of the Powers of the Court of Review and of the Subdivision Courts, it is enacted, that the Salaries herein before provided shall be in lieu of all Fees and Emoluments whatsoever, and that all such Fees and Emoluments, whether for Commission, Brokerage, or otherwise, as are now receivable by the said Accountant General of the Court of Chancery in Matters of Bankruptcy, shall, from and after the Appointment of the said Accountant in Bankruptcy, be received by him and paid into the Bank in the Name of the said last-mentioned Accountant, and be carried to the Credit of the said Account to be intituled " Interest arising from the Bankruptcy Fund Account," and be applicable to all the Purposes of the said Account: And whereas the said Enactment requires Alteration; be it enacted, That the said Enactment shall be repealed.