
LVISalary of Accountant.

And be it enacted, That the Salary allowed to the Accountant shall be in lieu of all Fees and Emoluments whatsoever, and that the Accountant shall not, directly or indirectly, receive any Sum either for Commission, Brokerage, or otherwise, but only the Sum expressly allowed to him as his Salary; that from henceforth the Broker shall transact the Brokerage Business of the Accountant's Office upon such Terms as the Accountant and any Two of the Commissioners of the Court of Bankruptcy to be appointed by the Lord Chancellor shall, with the Approbation of the Lord Chancellor, determine; and that the Sum paid to the Broker shall be charged by the Accountant to the Estate for which the Investment or Sale shall be made ; and that when such Sum to be paid to the Broker shall be determined it shall be lawful for the Lord Chancellor to direct the Payment or any Part of it to be made from such Time retrospectively and prospectively as to him may seem just.