Execution Act 1844

LXIVBailiffs made answerable for Neglect to levy.

And be it enacted, That in case any Bailiff of any such Court who shall be employed to levy any Execution against Goods and Chattels shall, by wilful or notorious Neglect or Connivance or Omission, lose the Opportunity of levying any such Execution,: then, upon Complaint of the Party aggrieved by reason of such Neglect, Connivance, or Omission, (and the Fact alleged being proved to the Satisfaction of the Court out of which Execution issued, on the Oath of any credible Witness,) the Judge shall order such Bailiff to pay such Damages as it shall appear that the Plaintiff has sustained thereby, not exceeding in any Case the Sum of Money for which the said Execution issued, and the Bailiff shall be liable thereto; and upon Demand made thereof, and on his Refusal so to pay and satisfy the same, it may be recovered against him by such Ways and Means as are provided for the Recovery of Debts adjudged in the said Court.