Execution Act 1844

XXXIXPersons wilfully omitting any thing in Schedule guilty of a Misdemeanor, and liable to Three Years Imprisonment. Indictment need only set out the Substance of the Offence charged.

And be it enacted, That in case any Petitioner for Protection from Process shall, with Intention to defraud the Creditors of such Petitioner, wilfully and fraudulently omit in his Schedule so sworn to as aforesaid any Property whatsoever, or retain or except out of such Schedule as Wearing Apparel, Bedding, or other Necessaries, or working Tools or Implements, Property of greater Value than Twenty Pounds, every such Person so offending, and any Person aiding and assisting him to do the same, shall, upon being thereof convicted by due Course of Law, be adjudged guilty of a Misdemeanor, and thereupon it shall be lawful for the Court before whom such Offender shall have been so tried and convicted to sentence such Offender to be imprisoned and kept to hard Labour for any Period not exceeding Three Years; and that in every Indictment or Information against any Person for any Offence under this Act it shall be sufficient to set forth the Substance of the Offence charged on the Person offending, without setting forth the Petition, or any Proceeding whatever in the Matter of such Petition, except so much of the Schedule of such Petitioner as may be necessary for the Purpose.