16 Persons interested in lands for purposes of applications, &c.E+W
For the purposes of this Act the persons interested in land subject to be inclosed under this Act, or otherwise subject or to become subject to the provisions of this Act, shall be deemed to be the persons herein-after mentioned, and no others; (that is to say,) the persons who shall be in the actual possession or enjoyment of any such land or any part thereof, or any common or common right thereon, or any manor of which such land or any part thereof shall be waste, or who shall be in the actual receipt of the rents and profits of such land or part thereof, common, or common right, or manor respectively, (except any tenant for life or lives, or for years, holding under a lease or agreement for a lease on which a rent of not less than two-thirds of the clear yearly value of the premises comprised therein shall have been reserved, and except any tenant for years whatsoever holding under a lease or agreement for a lease for a term which shall not have exceeded fourteen years from the commencement thereof, and except any tenant from year to year at will or sufferance,) and that without regard to the real amount of interest of such persons; and in every case in which any such land, common, or common right, or manor, shall have been leased or agreed to be leased to any person or persons for life or lives, or for years by any lease or agreement for a lease on which a rent of not less than two-thirds of the clear yearly value of the premises comprised therein shall have been reserved, and in every case in which any such land, common, or common right, or son manor, shall be in the possession of a tenant from year to year at will of sufferance, or shall have been leased or agreed to be leased for a term which shall not have exceeded fourteen years from the commencement thereof, the person who shall for the time being be entitled to the said land, common, or common right, or manor, in reversion immediately expectant on the term created or agreed to be created by such lease or agreement for a lease respectively, or subject to the tenancy from year to year at will or sufferance shall be deemed for the purposes of this Act to be the person interested as aforesaid in respect of such land, common, or common right, or manor; and in every case in which any such land, common, or common right, or manor, as aforesaid, shall have been leased or agreed to be leased to any person for life or lives, or for years, by any lease or agreement for a lease in which a rent less than two-thirds of the clear yearly value of the premises comprised therein shall have been reserved, and of which the term shall have exceeded fourteen years from the commencement thereof, the person who shall for the time being be in the actual receipt of the rent reserved upon such lease or agreement for a lease shall, jointly with the person who shall be liable to the payment of such rent of such land, common, or common right, or manor, be deemed for the purposes of this Act to be the person interested in respect of such land, common, or common right, or manor respectively; and in every case in which any person shall be in possession or enjoyment or receipt of the rents or profits of any such land, common, or common right, or manor, under any sequestration, extent, elegit, or other writ of execution, or as a receiver under any order of a court of equity, the person who but for such writ or order would have been in possession, enjoyment, or receipt of the rents and profits, shall, jointly with the person in possession, enjoyment, or receipt by virtue of such writ or order, be deemed for the purposes of this Act to be the person interested in respect of such land, common, or common right, or manor respectively.