Companies Clauses Consolidation (Scotland) Act 1845


And with respect to the keeping of Accounts, and the Right of Inspection thereof by the Shareholders, be it enacted as follows :

CXVIIIAccounts to be kept.

The Directors shall cause full and true Accounts to be kept of all Sums of Money received or expended on account of the Company by the Directors, and all Persons employed by or under them, and of the Matters and Things for which such Sums of Money shall have been received, or disbursed and paid.

CXIXBooks to be balanced.

The Books of the Company shall be balanced at the prescribed Periods, and if no Periods be prescribed, Fourteen Days at least before each Ordinary Meeting; and forthwith on the Books being so balanced an exact Balance Sheet shall be made up, which shall exhibit a true Statement of the Capital Stock, Credits, and Property of every Description belonging to the Company, and the Debts due by the Company at the Date of making such Balance Sheet, and a distinct View of the Profit or Loss which shall have arisen on the Transactions of the Company in the course of the preceding Half Year; and previously to each Ordinary Meeting such Balance Sheet shall be examined by the Directors, or any Three of their Number, and shall be signed by the Chairman or Deputy Chairman of the Directors.

CXXInspection of Accounts by Shareholders at stated Times.

The Books so balanced, together with such Balance Sheet as aforesaid, shall for the prescribed Periods, and if no Periods be prescribed, for Fourteen Days previous to each Ordinary Meeting, and for One Month thereafter, be open for the Inspection of the Shareholders at the principal Office or Place of Business of the Company ; but the Shareholders shall not be entitled at any Time, except during the Periods aforesaid, to demand the Inspection of such Books, unless in virtue of a written Order signed by Three of the Directors.

CXXIBalance Sheet to be produced at the Meeting.

And be it enacted, That the Directors shall produce to the Shareholders assembled at such Ordinary Meeting the said Balance Sheet as aforesaid, applicable to the Period immediately preceding such Meeting, together with the Report of the Auditors thereon, as herein-before provided.

CXXIIBook-keeper to allow Inspection of the Accounts at appointed Times.

The Directors shall appoint a Book-keeper to enter the Accounts aforesaid in Books to be provided for the Purpose; and every such Book-keeper shall permit any Shareholder to inspect such Books, and to take Copies or Entries therefrom, at any reasonable Time during the prescribed Periods, and if no Periods be prescribed during One Fortnight before and One Month after every Ordinary Meeting; and if he fail to permit any such Shareholder to inspect such Books, or take Copies or Extracts therefrom, during the Periods aforesaid, he shall forfeit to such Shareholder for every such Offence a Sum not exceeding Five Pounds.