Game Act 1831

15 Regulations respecting appointment of gamekeepers in Wales.U.K.

It shall be lawful for every person who shall be entitled to kill the game upon any lands in Wales of the clear annual value of five hundred pounds, whereof he shall be seised in fee or as of freehold, or to which he shall otherwise be beneficially entitled in his own right, if such lands shall not be within the bounds of any manor, lordship, or royalty, or if, being within the same, they shall have been enfranchised or alienated therefrom, to appoint, by writing under his hand and seal, a gamekeeper or gamekeepers to preserve or kill the game over and upon such his lands, and also over and upon the lands in Wales of any other person, who, being entitled to kill the game upon such last-mentioned lands, shall by licence in writing authorize him to appoint a gamekeeper or gamekeepers to preserve or kill the game thereupon, such last-mentioned lands not being within the bounds of any manor, lordship, or royalty, or having been enfranchised or alienated therefrom; and it shall be lawful for the person so appointing a gamekeeper or gamekeepers to authorize him or them to seize and take, for the use of the person so appointing, upon the lands of which he or they shall be appointed gamekeeper or gamekeepers, all such dogs, nets, and other engines and instruments for the killing or taking of game as shall be used upon the said lands by any person not authorized to kill game for want of a game certificate.