
XNor to affect any Cattle-gates or Right of Common. Lod of Manor to have the Game on the Wastes.

Provided also, and be it enacted, That nothing herein contained shall be deemed to give to any Owner of Cattlegates or Rights of Common upon or over any Wastes or Commons any Interest or Privilege which such Owner was not possessed of before the passing of this Act, nor to authorize such Owner of Cattlegates or Rights of Common to pursue or kill the Game found on such Wastes or Commons ; and that nothing herein contained shall defeat or diminish the Rights or Privileges which any Lord of any Manor, Lordship, or Royalty, or reputed Manor, Lordship, or Royalty, or any Steward of the Crown of any Manor, Lordship, or Royalty appertaining to His Majesty, may, before the passing of this Act, have exercised in or over such Wastes or Commons; and that the Lord or Steward of the Crown of every Manor, Lordship, or Royalty, or reputed Manor, Lordship, or Royalty, shall have the Right to pursue and kill the Game upon the Wastes or Commons within such Manor, Lordship, or Royalty, or reputed Manor, Lordship, or Royalty, and to authorize any other Person or Persons who shall have obtained an Annual Game Certificate to enter upon such Wastes or Commons for the Purpose of pursuing and killing the Game thereon.